Hello Mastodon!🐘 Here the first toot from the Max Planck Institute for #Psycholinguistics. Our researchers study how we produce and understand #language, and how we do this as first or second language learners. Follow us to find out about our research and the people behind it. Want to know more? Visit https://www.mpi.nl
@auschwitzmuseum @aaron
I went in 2017. So many things stood out, seared into my memory. When I watch things about it now there’s an entirely different sense of scale. Hearing numbers can be hard to process. Seeing the physical space, and knowing (somewhat) how crowded it was is different. The piles of gas canisters haunt me, as do the heaps of personal belongings. What was maybe most strange to me tho, or jarring I suppose, was that the area surrounding it was beautiful. I was there around dusk and the trees in the distance were so pretty, and that felt so wrong. I was surrounded by the remnants of one of the most depraved sites in human history, and there was still beauty in nature. To go from the basement in Auschwitz where unspeakable things happened, where I was afraid to be even when I knew I was perfectly safe, to seeing the sun starting to set at Birkenau just an hour or so later left me with a feeling I don’t know I’ll ever actually find words for. It somehow reminded me of the resistance and resilience of the people who ended up there. There were obviously more horrifying things, moments that made my stomach churn, but that feeling of watching the sunset has stuck with me in an uncanny way.
The power of Bull is that is lays down a narrative and human engage strongly to narrative. One reason why it takes so much effort to shift. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/dec/22/politics-difference-between-lies-bullshit
Proof by the absurd...
If you don't read French, just read the few (&short) items in the bibliography.
The big news is not that a committee of Congress has made a criminal referral urging that the DOJ prosecute a former president. The big news is that the committee has compiled overwhelming evidence that the former president has committed serious crimes. https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-real-news-about-the-january-6?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=365422&post_id=91755428&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
One of my fav quotes, from Anatole France:
“La loi, dans un grand souci d'égalité, interdit aux riches comme aux pauvres de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain.”
“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”
Yes, the Rwanda removals policy has been ruled legal
But the court held UK government has applied that policy unlawfully 19 times
Yesterday's judgment not that welcome to the government
By me, at my new Substack
Do subscribe there for more
RT @riotgrandma72@twitter.com
@SuellaBraverman@twitter.com Your reminder,@SuellaBraverman@twitter.com … all these things were once deemed ‘legal’.
My German grandparents died under the Nazis. I call you out for what you are: a member of the same camp that murdered them. #Rwanda #nazis #jewish #SuellaBraverman #refugees #RwandaNotInMyName
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/riotgrandma72/status/1604822952779866113
Why can't Russia just stop exploding?! https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1605167685842907137
https://t.me/United24media/1940 ⚠️🇺🇦 Export of stolen grain from the temporarily occupied Crimea to Syria increased 17 times this year – Reuters. According to the Refinitiv trade and information platform, in 2021, Syria imported about 28.2 thousand tons of stolen wheat from Sevastopol, for 11 months of 2022 – about 501.8 thousand tons. The Ukrainian embassy in Beirut, which monitors cargo entering Syria, believes that these (more) #Ukraine #News #War #Russia
#pinetree #glassbox #mycorrhizal #mycelium#mushroom
A small pine tree in a glass box shows the level of white finally branched mycorrhizal threads or mycelium that attach to roots and feed the plant.
https://t.me/liveukraine_eng/3106 ⚠️🇺🇦 There are some interesting things on the Crimean Isthmus near Chongar (VIDEO and MAP) #Ukraine #News #War #Russia
You’ll be unsurprised to learn that the incident with the supposed Musk stalker appears to have nothing to do with the jet tracking account. It occurred 26 miles from the airport, and a full day after ElonJet placed the plane in Los Angeles. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/12/18/details-of-musk-stalking-incident/
Two excellent, in-depth guides to Mastodon, which should answer many of your questions, are here:
1. An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon by joyeusenoelle: https://github.com/joyeusenoelle/GuideToMastodon
2. Nikodemus' Guide to Mastodon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D9gfeKg_-hlsU66R-dLEvUeyMsqEfyIx2pnfUeX0t_E/edit#heading=h.j95atvlbfrn5
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As a teenager I read a book by Richard Feynman. He was talking about his father reading him an Encyclopaedia Britannica. He would read a story of say a Tyrannosaurus rex, “This dinosaur is twenty-five feet high and its head is six feet across.” His father would stop reading and show him just how big that was. The importance of translating everything you read.
Before I studied science, this one page opened my eyes to critical thinking. 🖖
Biological Chemist. Blog https://ferniglab.wordpress.com
#Polysaccharides, #ExtracellularMatrix, fibroblast growth factors, #FGF, #Glycotechnology, #Sulfation.