@gaborcsardi oh definitely for the better 😁
@Karstengweinert Useful for fitting lots of models to lots of different datasets. You can purrr::map* over datasets if they're stored in a list, which means fitting a single model to lots of similar datasets is automated
list columns have changed my life #rstats
@DToher congrats on the new job!
@tanho try `<-` <- q() - different behaviour in R and Rstudio
gutted to be leaving the young statisticians section of #royalstatsoc but it's really important that this job is passed around
it's been a blast - good luck friends
Some wizardry from stackoverflow allowed me to add global axis labels to a {patchwork} plot
Relatively simple #TidyTuesday effort with frustratingly complex code to make it all work - how are the names of famous pairs trending over time within US election candidates?
Code: https://github.com/jcken95/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-11-07
repo: https://github.com/jcken95/creepr
recreate hex sticker: https://github.com/jcken95/creepr/tree/main/inst/hexsticker
For this week's #TidyTuesday data about haunted places, I looked at the most haunted city in the USA - Los Angeles!
🗺️ Street map data from OpenStreetMap via {osmdata}
💀 The {creepr} package from @_jcken to make a scary noise when the OSM streetmap data was finished downloading...
👻 Background glow added to points with {ggfx}
Code: https://github.com/nrennie/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-10-10
Just downloaded #RStats v1.0.0 (2000) and it contains a text file called 'Y2K'. A reminder to us all: please write R programs and manipulate data in ways that are Y2K compliant, thank you. 🙏
Such a lovely week catching up with old friends and making new ones at Royal Statistical Society Conference. A great combination of #statistics, #datascience and #rstats. See you in Brighton? #RSSConf2023 #RSSConf2024
Slides 👇
🗺️ Making Maps! Workshop
🧹 Taking the stress out of your code mess
💬Share your data story
Issue 2023-W37 of @rweekly is out now! https://rweekly.org/2023-W37.html
This week's highlights:
🕸️ Preloading your R packages in webR in an Express JS API by Colin Fay
🦮 A guide to annotating equations in quarto documents by @lwpembleton
👽 Using Stan to analyse global UFO sighting reports by @_jcken
Thanks to all contributors - keep sending your submissions via RSS feed and/or pull request https://github.com/rweekly/rweekly.org/compare
Is there a workaround for \textcolor{ red } {\verb|something|} not working? #latex
#Day8 of #30DayChartChallenge (distribution/human) : How do 👉you👈 map the distribution of human population? #gischat
🔗to #Rstats code for the 6 maps : https://github.com/BjnNowak/TidyTuesday/blob/main/SC_HumanPop.R
had a quick go with {ggsankey} for #TidyTuesday - rounded edges on the first and final group would be so much nicer
code: https://github.com/jcken95/tidytuesday/tree/main/2023/2023-04-04
I'm now at @_jcken
I have a stats PhD from Newcastle and work as a senior data scientist at UKHSA
Royal statistical society volunteer
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