Yes - I’ve had a lot of follows (thank you!) from grey profiles with no posts and no info in the bio. I won’t follow back accounts until I have a good idea of what they will be posting(!)
It doesn’t take long to write a couple of sentences and it’s worth posting a couple of times before following - the chances of building a network become much larger!
Studio Ghibli Makes 1,178 Images Free to Download from My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away & Other Beloved Animated Films
December 19, 1972, Apollo 17, the last manned mission to the Moon returns to Earth. Astronaut and geologist Jack Schmitt left his geological hammer there ⚒🌝
@stevenjgibbons LOL😂
A good night for astrophotography. (At least, I think it was. I haven't processed everything yet.) This is the globular cluster M15. I found out on Saturday that there's a tiny planetary nebula buried in here. I was able to use a more professional image to locate *where* in here. But I still can't see it. But it's a beautiful cluster anyway.
ICYMI: A call for pedantry in free speech debates and for separating Free Speech Rights, Free Speech Culture, And Speech Decency.
@Romaq @LouisIngenthron @freemo No. If you read 'True Believer' by Eric Hoffer, you find you aren't alone. Sadly, the most vocal creeps on both sides are the loudest these days, thus exhausting.
@pwinn Wow. This one I will see.
Today's #DailyArchaeology is an old fav. These bone styluses, with gnawing on only one end, are proof that people chewed on their pencils nearly 2,500 years ago in ancient Athens
My 📸. Archaeological Museum at Acharnai. #archaeology
@XanIndigo We've decided morning is best. Plus, this is the time of year to enjoy crowds. Most people are feeling generous, and that leads to kindness behavior.
It seems appropriate that we thank @ruud and others responsible for #moderation in instance.
We created our account here uninvited and from the very beginning we received a great #support.
On the very first day some Holocaust deniers tried to troll the account. The moderators reacted immediately and, which is very telling), we actually did not experience anything like this afterwords.
We also got #help when we had technical issues with account verification.
Another lovely #house with a really beautiful #atrium layout. It appears to be reclaiming an old building of some sort.
We need to teach people enough about how science works that they can see through these conspiracy stories at a glance. That is going to require major changes in how we teach at all levels. Otherwise, our friends, family, and neighbors are easy prey for those who seek to distort and deny science in pursuit of their own selfish agendas.
It's infuriating and exhausting to see lies from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and like get traction on social media. It's outright discouraging to see them amplified by the world's second richest man who ought to know better. If we want make progress against disinformation like this, however, we need to do more than refute it at the source.
As a working group, we also published a long-form report on the matter:
My argument, at its core, is that to do that, we need to teach people why science deserves their trust – and this requires teaching how science works as a social institution. I've written about this in brief in a Science American article:
#Mostly confused. #Seismology. #Volcanos. #Astrophysics. # Archaeology. #Art. #Interior Design. Most science.