Running #ssh with its default port on a public IPv4 address always invites bogus login attempts. I wondered what these were about so we started accepting and collecting them:
Pulling data from distributed sources is actually more fun than
dealing with a single API key!
Mastodon is the new OnlyFans. #cmv
"Das Wissen der Erde liegt auf den Rechnern der Nerde"
Quelle: #twitterlesung um 2010.
@DrJenGunter @vasculopath Tooot is my favourite on iOS thus far. Random factoid: it supports editing posts (which I am refusing to still call toots…)
since a lot of folks are becoming newly interested in escaping corporate silos and moving to community-based services, are you aware of @matrix?
Matrix is to Slack and Discord, what Mastodon is to Twitter: a decentralized, federated network based on open standards/specs. It also supports full end-to-end encryption, just like Signal, so you can exchange messages privately!
If you find the fediverse interesting/inspiring, I recommend giving matrix a whirl. The quickest way to get started is to head over to and make a (free!) account (although you can also join any number of other home servers, or host your own--they all talk to each other!).
If you _do_ end up checking it out, please do say hi! I'm over there. I also manage a "space" (a group of channels, kinda like a Discord server) that you can join by clicking here:!
I hope this sparks your interest! I'd love to see you over there, too!
Hat irgendjemand von euch auf #PeerTube schon mal gefunden was er gesucht hat?
Finde das Angebot an Videos dort ziemlich enttäuschend.
The content warning debate for news and politics is very interesting and I am enjoying hearing the different perspectives. I was surprised by it and it took some conversations for me to understand how and why it was being used for this. So folks what do we think. #journalism #news #politics #Midterms #pmqs
Wahlmanipulation in den USA - Die Dirty Tricks der Demokratie |
Seit der Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 wurden in den USA, zumeist von Republikanern, hunderte Gesetzentwürfe eingebracht, die vielen Bürgern das Wählen noch schwerer machen sollen. Die Furcht vor einem Verlust der Demokratie ist groß.
@zonarolo Yea, most mastodon servers only let you search on hashtags and not free text. As such hash tags are used a lot since its the best way to be seen in a search.
That said QOTO is somewhat unique (we arent the only ones) who allow free form text searches. We are also one of the oldest servers with an unpurged index. Meaning we are one of **very** few servers that lets you search back to the earlier days of the fediverse and has a very large portion of the entire fediverse history in our database.
Frankreich schmeisst PV auf alle Parkplätze mit mehr als 80 Autos:
Warum geht das in F und nicht in D?
(über DD müsste man mal im #staDDrat nachdenken).
Der Dönerpreis steigt rasant. In Frankfurt wurde die 10-Euro-Schallmauer durchbrochen. Bisher wurde der Döner allerdings weit unter Wert verkauft.!5890663/
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix