RT @scossfunding
⏰ You have until Friday to apply to our expression of interest and get a chance to become the next #OpenScience infrastructure supported by @scossfunding.
Follow our last members @datadryad @ResearchOrgs and @LAReferenciaAA and complete the online form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tSeT9kSLnPe-y_5gMTylxy1swuuZbjGkxBly3HkVn58
Le conseil #LogicielsLibres, animé par la mission logiciels libres de la DINUM, émet son 1er avis en répondant positivement à la question: "Pensez-vous que de rendre possible l’installation d’un système d’exploitation libre augmente la durabilité des ordinateurs (portables ou non) et des smartphones ?"
Cet avis s’est nourri d’une synthèse rédigée par des membres du conseil à lire ici👉 https://man.sr.ht/~etalab/logiciels-libres/docs/2023_01_RapportIndiceDurabilite.pdf
📢For DORA's 10th Anniversary Celebration (#DORAat10) in May:
✨We're hosting two plenary sessions on the past & future of research assessment
🤝We're inviting YOU to organize an event on research assessment along with us!
📋To register & propose an event: ow.ly/wBTn50MGNMZ
Please spread the word!
@adamhsparks @ropensci @maelle @sckottie @inundata @rstats
You get a dedicated worldwide software archive, able to automatically grasp code from open repositories. Contrarily to Zenodo, it is dedicated to software, and its SWHID allows complex citation mechanisms (on special commits or on particular lines of a code). You will also see it is able to gather all the various commits of the code.
@ropensci @maelle @sckottie @inundata @rstats
Many thanks ! Software citeability is indeed a key issue to replicability.
Have you considered preserving your code using Software Heritage, by UNESCO and INRIA (France), and take advantage of its identifier SWHID with its unique citeabiity features ?
its here : https://www.softwareheritage.org
RT @rdicosmo
Want to know how @SWHeritage development moved to an on-premise #GitLab instance? Here is the full story! 👉 https://www.softwareheritage.org/2023/02/02/software-heritage-is-now-using-gitlab/
FOSDEM Brussels @fosdem
A GitLab forge for all teachers and students in France?
A project of the French Ministry of Education
Sunday February 5 at 11:20 a.m. (Room: H.2215 Ferrer)
Speakers: @poulmairecharles (@asso_aeif) and @framaka (@lelibreedu)
#Fosdem #Fosdem2023 #OpenEducation
The British Journal of Dermatology just moved from #Wiley to #OUP. As part of the move, it's adding plain language summaries (#PLS) and allowing authors to retain #copyright in their articles.
The journal remains #hybrid, not full #openaccess. But note that the key #RightsRetention step was voluntarily adopted by a #society (British Association of Dermatologists) and a #UniversityPress. Kudos to them both.
RT @bsaenen@twitter.com
Good! @cOAlitionS_OA@twitter.com confirms financial support for #TransformativeAgreements and journals is winding down after 2024. What's next? @ScienceEurope@twitter.com and its partners are hard at work strengthening Diamond #OpenAccess with our #Act4DiamondOA Action Plan: http://scieur.org/diamond-actionplan https://twitter.com/cOAlitionS_OA/status/1618549734666534913
#Plan_S reiterates that so-called transformative agreements (aka offset agreements, read-and-publish agreements) should be transitional. It will drop its financial support for them at the end of 2024. Supporting them further "would significantly increase the risk that these arrangements will become permanent and perpetuate #hybrid #OpenAccess, which #cOAlition_S has always firmly opposed."
RT @cOAlitionS_OA@twitter.com
.@cOAlitionS_OA@twitter.com confirms that financial support for Transformative Agreements and Journals will end after 2024. Instead, funders will direct their efforts to innovative and community-led #OpenAccess publishing initiatives.
https://www.coalition-s.org/coalition-s-confirms-the-end-of-its-financial-support-for-open-access-publishing-under-transformative-arrangements-after-2024/ #Plan_S
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cOAlitionS_OA/status/1618549734666534913
So, my first toot will be about a much debated topic within academic libraries: transformative agreements
The University of Lorraine has issued a statement to explain its strategy and indicate the type of agreements she is willing to support: https://bit.ly/3wnihgi
Feedbacks welcomed
RT @Couperin_consor
Combien coûtent les APC aux institutions de recherche françaises ? @ouvrirlascience @datactivi_st
webinaire le 27 janvier 2023 de 14h à 15h30
Inscriptions ici : https://www.couperin.org/breves/1505-combien-coutent-les-apc-aux-institutions-de-recherche-francaises
Phénomène qui est fortement amplifié par la présence d'adolescents à la maison.
Pour le week-end, l'entrée du Gîte de France de Jérôme et Eugénie, qui donne envie d'été.
« Éducation et Open Source en France » intitulé de l'intervention de Audran Le Baron, directeur du numérique pour l’éducation, au Salon Open Source Experience 2022, transcrite par @aprilorg
Bonne lecture !
Non-profit journals as a solution to open science?
Publishers charge researchers incredible amounts to remove paywalls from their own papers...and make unbelievable profits from doing so. Several have an >30% profit margin.
Initiatives such as @PeerCommunityIn provide an alternative: open access, non-profit journals that are free to publish in.
#OpenScience #Science #AcademicChatter @academicchatter
Graph (2013): @alexh https://alexholcombe.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/scholarly-publishers-and-their-high-profits/
Numéro spécial de la revue Ar(abes)ques sur les #portails et #pépinières de #revues en #bibliotheques. Une présentation des nouvelles synergies pour l'#édition #scientifique publique
#ScienceOuverte #Repères #medici #Prairial #PoPuPS
🇫🇷 Vice-Président de l'Université de Lorraine chargé du Numérique, des Données et de la Science Ouverte.
🇫🇷 Chargé de mission Science Ouverte, volet international, auprès du Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.
🇬🇧 Lorraine university vice president in charge of the digital, data and Open Science policies.
🇬🇧 Open Science officer in charge of international affairs for the French ministry of higher education and research.