Just a normal country, where music festivals have to employ hidden snipers in case some random dude with a gun decides to try and kill a bunch of people https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/las-vegas-shooting-route-91-country-festival-1234593953/amp/
Wife and I try to be good, but our oldest son outdoes us all the time. An ethical vegan for over a decade, he also donates to "save the children" funds and has registered as a marrow donor. At work, he's a favorite of older customers for his kind consideration. How did this happen? He's a living example of being and doing good without belief in God.
@Houl Now that’s what I call reformatting!
@hikosaemon @xatlasm Yep, I recently moved to qoto.org for similar reasons. 👍🏼
sex toys, waldo
@tankgrrl I admit that I had to take a closer look after that, but didn't see any candy-cane striped objects…
sex toys, waldo
@tankgrrl Seeing your own reply about there not being any visible sex toys (only on twitter?) made me immediately think that pic should be called "Where's dildo?"
Let’s try this again. Where you at #fediverse? Boosts welcome so we can get the best sample size.
Lorde: “Touring Has Become a Demented Struggle to Break Even or Face Debt”
This is a big problem because with the demise of CD sales and the starve-the-artist business model of music streaming, live shows have been one last remaining way for working musicians to get paid.
She doesn’t mention one big part of the problem: The cruel monopolists at TIcketmaster sucking blood out of the system.
Hey, hey, hey, hey-now. Don’t be mean; we don’t have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~ Buckaroo Banzai ~