RT @IMartnezSola
El dato del día: las largas jornadas de trabajo son el factor de riesgo laboral que produce más muertes https://zcu.io/bWbK
RT @Neutralious
List of bands banned in the Soviet Union
Y más útil que el “pabellón puente” Zaha Hadid en Zaragoza.
RT @100OIQ
RT @larwoolf
Good night with Glenn Gould
Leonard Bernstein
Bach: Keyboard concerto no. 1 in d minor 1960
Glenn Gould was 28 years old here.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra
RT @Naser_zazai1
Taliban banned Afghan girls from University high education in Afghanistan.
After banned teenager girls from school, now they closed high education universities for Afghan girls.
#Afghanistan #education
RT @subfossilguy
They say it's the largest @gigapixel panorama ever made (70,000 shots)... why not!
Most importantly it shows Mont Blanc massif with an unprecedented level of detail from a ~3,500 ma.s.l. location on Géant Glacier (Mer de Glace accumulation zone)!
Source: https://buff.ly/3hZge9C
RT @FieldsInstitute
In number theory, a happy number is a number which eventually reaches 1 when replaced by the sum of the square of each digit.
Just like the happy number snowflake below, the Fields Institute wishes you a holiday full of moments that add up to perfect contentment.
RT @kanicubo
El pasado viernes presentamos en el @laaab_es el Carnet de Voluntariado de Aragón
👉 Una identificación con la que puedes acceder a descuentos en establecimientos.
Toda la info
RT @elmundotoday
Qatar gana el Mundial de fútbol ante un planeta incapaz de hacerle frente https://buff.ly/3jcYv3Y
RT @EINAunizar
🚨¿Conoces sensoriZAR?
#sensorizar te ayuda, por ejemplo, a saber si dispones de asiento en tu sala de estudio.
RT @miguelmarqueta
#Treserols vista desde #Arcusa esta tarde /noche.
@eltiempo_atv @AEMET_Aragon @AragonMeteo @AEMET_Esp @meteo_aragon #meteo @tiempobrasero
RT @kevinschawinski
This is explicitly in contravention of the EU Digital Markets Act.
@EU_Commission @ThierryBreton
https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/digital-markets-act-ensuring-fair-and-open-digital-markets_en https://twitter.com/twittersupport/status/1604531261791522817
I read books #librosjf, watch movies #cinejf and sometimes take photos #fotosjf and travel #viajesjf.
(Retired professor, University of Zaragoza)