My 6 year old calls me "father" to mess with me. I showed her this Matt Berry clip and now she'll yell "FAAATHERRRRR!" when she's trying to get my attention .
One of my coworkers passed away unexpectedly in December. If you feel compelled, his family would benefit from the assistance.
My super-great outstanding backpack from eBags (RIP) is no longer a thing. I think I'd go with this LTT bag if I needed to replace it
New year, new links
RIP Man of the Hole
upper upper class: packages are retrieved by staff, from staff at elite social gatherings, and delivered by other staff for yet other specifically-employed staff to open
Lower lower class: what packages?
Lowest class: what?
That series of strips where he's discussing the various artistic aesthetics of snowmen is one of the best of the entire Calvin & Hobbes collection.
The best thing about this strip is the future generations that have been inspired by Calvin to build the best snow creatures
If you think I'm weird in cyberspace you should find me in meatspace.
❤🔥 Catholic
🇨🇦 Further north than you
🇳🇱 Billignualish
🍻 Brewing beer and kombucha
📷 Shooting and developing film
💼 Alt school IT sysadmin
🗳 TANSTAAFL in the morning