首先是因为他的出身,因为在阿尔及利亚跟随祖母度过了窘迫的学生时代,目睹残酷的阶级差异,所以他的语言是“人民的”。与之可以形成鲜明对比的是萨特。萨特是发明“小资”(petite bourgeoisie)这一概念并专门对其进行批判的人,但是由于他出身于富裕阶层,接受的是精英教育,所以他和“精英阶层”一样写的尽是一些普通人看不懂的东西。而加缪获诺贝尔奖的作品« L’Étranger »(《局外人》),法语分级只有B2。
其次是在“简单”基础之上的“简洁”。契诃夫名言:简洁是天才的姐妹。词汇简单,结构清楚,就达到了“简洁”。我想加缪在这方面也作过非常清楚的表达,« La peste »(《鼠疫》)里有一条线索是政府小职员格朗反复修改文稿,为防剧透这里就点到为止,这个故事只要亲自看过就会明白作者是什么意思。
As clouds lift, a golden spray kisses nature's dawn. Welcome to a new day, may your hours shine in a path of serenity.🌱
1. 用棉签蘸水滋润口腔和嘴唇
2. 轻柔按摩手脚,用温水擦拭身体,不要因为体温低就盖被子
3. 如果他们遭受剧烈疼痛,那么使用止疼药物时无需纠结
4. 喉咙有声音的话让他们侧卧,枕头垫高;也可以吃一些减少呼吸道分泌的药物;开窗通风会让他们感觉好一点
5. 他们陷入昏睡时或说胡话时别去打断,也别摇醒,保护好他们别摔下来,因为他们正在经历很美好的幻觉
6. 最后一步了,趁听觉系统尚能运作,说你想说的话吧,回忆与他们一起的快乐时光
This week I read about a Nobel winner whose groundbreaking work didn't get funded and got her demoted, and about data fraud by two of the highest profile scientists who were lauded and mega funded. We have to stop rewarding short term flashy work and overproductive scientists.
It's fine and correct to talk about both incentives and individual responsibility. But if we scientists collectively decided to heavily downplay work without open, raw data and reproducible methods, and ignored journal title when evaluating scientists, this couldn't happen.
The system is absolutely broken and needs structural reform, yes. Journals need to go. Competitive grants are the wrong way to fund science. Scientific prizes are very problematic. But we also need to get better at reading and doing science and valuing what works in the long term.
That's the key point. If we let these things happen it means we are doing science badly.
Making people pay to tweet should be the nail in the coffin for #Twitter; but then again I thought turning it into a glorified Parler would've been that nail already. As they say, the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.