I can finally reveal some research I've been involved with over the past year or so.
We (@redford, @mrtick and I) have reverse engineered the PLC code of NEWAG Impuls EMUs. These trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced at third-party workshops. The manufacturer argued that this was because of malpractice by these workshops, and that they should be serviced by them instead of third parti
Are you disappointed with the quality of your online interactions? The culprit are the transistors in your computer, well-known for having a robotic, tinny signal quality.
I've been gradually replacing mine with vacuum tubes. My social media experiences are now much crisper and show significantly improved tonality.
This is how librarians say "fuck you, you racist piece of shit."
Millennials are ruining generational framing
Alongside with France, Germany heavily invests in free and open source software.
The Linux desktop GNOME is recognized as a public interest infrastructure.
This is good news for #foss in Europe !
Teaser : check the motivations.
Brilliant. A bot that buys/sells stocks after Congresscritters buy/sell stocks. It is up 20% during a period the market was flat.
via @pluralistic
Husband of a smart, outspoken woman, father of two little girls. ❄️ Peace and quiet enthusiast. 💾 PHP/Node/Java/Go dev 🤗 He/him.🍹 Unfollowable. https://ninozaur.com