AI as it is built now will be dead in a decade, I think. It will be used to generate garbage for the web and it will learn from garbage on the web. Here you have your first "AI that can train itself", except any system with random changes and no good feedback loop it will just get worse and worse because random changes are rarely positive.
@girlonthenet All products marketed as "for men", "for boys", "for women" or "for girls" must specify en detail on the packaging what the risks are if they are accidentally used by the wrong gender.
Kelloggs is worth $19B & made $1.6B in profit in 2023.
So as 1 in 4 military families, 1 in 6 Americans, & 1 in 9 children are food insecure—Kellogg's boasts about celebrating that insecurity & advertises "cereal for dinner."
Shameful. Greedy. Cruel. smh
Husband of a smart, outspoken woman, father of two little girls. ❄️ Peace and quiet enthusiast. 💾 PHP/Node/Java/Go dev 🤗 He/him.🍹 Unfollowable.