@Yaku Questo è un insulto brutto brutto, certamente peggiore del Dio caffé dei Greci.
@Fbrzvnrnd Scambiare un lettore DVD/disco rigido per la scheda usb?
@tdwllms1 Is this for real?
@tero I don't know: I guess it depends a lot on the objectives of what you're working on.
For example: working in the chemistry field there is now a boom in the use of Neural Networks. I guess that's due to the increase in data availability.
While that's very cool, works extremely well and produces desirable results there are big advantages in traditional machine learning.
And that is the fact that you can somehow learn something from how it works.
This is important, because discovering some new formula or fundamental relationship is much more useful than having a high performing model that works extremely well on a particular task.
That's because in chemistry we're applying AI to speed up things and exploit relationships we're not aware of; if we could do the same thing knowing the underlying relationships that would be much better.
Now, would an AGI who understands chemistry be useful? Definitely, it would help us a lot and surely make our jobs much easier.
But, I feel it's very far away and for the time being I'd argue the development of more complete and simple theories is what should be one of the main goals while applying these methodologies.
@boegel I'd love if my cluster allowed me to boost to lower the queue waiting time.
I guess I'd just queue a long running job to keep boosting.
@xtaldave Sure, I'm not saying Russia is doing everything right and that they're perfect; on the contrary, they have started an awful invasion which led to a very sanguinary war.
Still, I don't think any of the things Russia did justify deploying radioactive weapons.
Deescalating a conflict through radioactive weapons doesn't seem the correct approach to me.
This will only lead to Russia also deploying depleted uranium rounds and it will further damage the Ukrainian lands.
@xtaldave I don't see that as very hypocritical. I think it's much more hypocritical what the NATO block is doing: alerting about the high risk of a nuclear war, dumping all the responsibility on the crazy Russians and then being the first ones to deploy radioactive weapons.
Sure, depleted uranium is not an atomic bomb; but that's not a good way to avoid an atomic conflict.
Depleted uranium rounds are not a new thing, they have been used in plenty of wars in the past with devastating effects on the health of local population and soldiers, the alert and the condemnation from Russia seems appropriate.
Moscow is now saying: let's not get radioactive stuff into this war, but western people are morally superior and as such we're allowed to do as we please.
To put it in other terms: if the German government was to condemn a genocide somewhere in the world, I would think they're doing a correct thing and not that they're being hypocritical because they conducted the largest genocide in history.
@xtaldave Am I paraphrasing correctly what you said as "Since the Chernobyl accident happened in Russia, Russia will use radioactive weapons in this war"?
As far as I understand the article, it is Russia that is condemning the western powers because they are providing Ukraine with radioactive weapons.
@boegel Brings back very nice memories of when I was working there at the Kemijsky
@GustavinoBevilacqua Fortunati voi, qui da ste parti le gocce d'acqua sono in rivolta.
@smp Si fa così: stampa una pagina con una grossa A da una parte ed una grossa B dall'altra.
Continua a stamparla girando il foglio in modi diversi finché non esce giusta
@jared @iLearn I'm not sure how you'd debate the utility of calculus in machine learning. The whole field is packed with derivatives, function analysis and integrals.
All of the fields you listed use calculus in a way or another, and I would say that the importance is quite prominent. How would you apply quantum mechanics in chemistry if you don't know how to do limits?
@iLearn I don't really know. It depends on what you're doing and how busy you are I guess... In Italy we study calculus in high school; it works out, everybody learns it with no problem.
I see no reason not to learn calculus; it's very useful if you're going to work in any field that has any kind of mathematics involved.
Madre e figlia che entrano, in quest'ordine.
- Mamma, chiudi la porta
- E chiudila tu, pare che le mani te le ho fatte!
- hai ragione.
Basta sperare in un'Italia migliore. Che emigrino tutti quelli sotto i 50.
Senza contare le pessime situazioni nelle aziende e l'infimo rispetto per il lavoro, ci avete tolto l'articolo 18, aumentato l'età pensionabile, tolto ogni utilità dei sindacati e fornito alcuni dei governi peggiori d'Europa (anche se riconosco che rispetto alla media globale siano rispettabilissimi).
Quelli che parlano di stipendio minimo non hanno capito una semplice cosa: in Italia uno stipendio Tedesco non è abbastanza; per accettare queste condizioni di merda è necessario che la paga sia almeno il doppio di quanto viene offerto negli altri paesi.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
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