I'd say it is quite useful to quickly get a birds eye view of a topic.
Do you trust anything written in there? Obviously not, but you can find a lot of useful keywords related to a topic you know nothing about and save yourself quite some time.
Periodic reminder that I've written a free tiny book on quantum chemistry which teaches you how to compute electronic orbitals of hydrogen atoms (and more!) with just some Python knowledge! It includes the resulting code and explains it step by step.
"That is why Nature is setting out these principles: ultimately, research must have transparency in methods, and integrity and truth from authors. This is, after all, the foundation that science relies on to advance" 👏👏
Tools such as #ChatGPT threaten transparent #science; here are our ground rules for their use ⬇️
I didn't know about all this thing, never seen anything about it on local newspapers.
Johnson and Johnson had been sued by several people because apparently some of the baby powder it sold contained asbestos, which led to several young people developing cancer.
Recently, the company opened a spin off and gave it ownership of that product, and with it the legal liability. That company filed bankruptcy, thus victims will not be compensated.
Quite disgusting story. Shame on the USA governments allowing companies to behave in such a way.
I found out the company is in one market index I own; I'm considering selling that and getting something else.
@rastinza - the SiO₄ tetrahedra in quartz are less densely packed than the tetrahedra I showed in part (1/n). I imagine that any packings of tetrahedra in nature that have already been seen are no denser than that one.
Today felt very productive:
1) Got a response back on a paper that we could immediately address and correct, so I did. Here's hoping it's over 🤞
2) Got a grant back down to the word limit (started the day at 1.2x the allowed length!) 📝
3) Saw some cute fruit flies under a microscope 🔬
4) Wrote this Toot 🐘
That's basically #science right #ScienceMastodon ? 👨🏽🔬
@rastinza @erinnacland @academicchatter @alexh Hi there! "I hope they'll add a chemistry journal" -> Peer Community In is managed by scientists. Any scientist can initiate the creation of a PCI in a field not already covered. Please read our blog post "Steps in the creation of a new PCI" and do not hesitate to contact us! https://peercommunityin.org/2019/05/21/steps-in-the-creation-of-a-new-pci/
Hey @rastinza, a platinum/diamond #OpenAccess journal with chemistry focus can be found here: https://www.beilstein-journals.org/
I already published there, and can recommend.
@erinnacland @PeerCommunityIn @academicchatter @alexh
Non-profit journals as a solution to open science?
Publishers charge researchers incredible amounts to remove paywalls from their own papers...and make unbelievable profits from doing so. Several have an >30% profit margin.
Initiatives such as @PeerCommunityIn provide an alternative: open access, non-profit journals that are free to publish in.
#OpenScience #Science #AcademicChatter @academicchatter
Graph (2013): @alexh https://alexholcombe.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/scholarly-publishers-and-their-high-profits/
Carnivorous oyster mushrooms can kill roundworms with “nerve gas in a lollipop”
"The mushrooms have evolved a novel mechanism for paralyzing and killing its nematode prey: a toxin contained within lollipop-like structures called toxocysts that, when emitted, causes widespread cell death in roundworms within minutes. Scientists have now identified the specific volatile organic compound responsible for this effect"
Bisogna rinazionalizzare le ferrrovie, e renderle gratuite, per togliere auto dalla strada.
E le ferrovie devono tornare a fare il servizio pacchi come facevano una volta, per togliere furgoni dei corrieri dalla strada.
E i CEO che piangono li mandiamo a zappar cicoria in Sud Sudan (dove non hanno ancora sminato).
#2726 Methodology Trial
If you think THAT'S unethical, you should see the stuff we approved via our Placebo IRB.
Italian, MSc in chemistry specialized in cheminformatics and QSAR.
I'm interested in cooking and building stuff.
I love traveling, I lived in India, China, Slovenia, Poland and Spain.
Currently working in Spain in the field of genomics; and doing a PhD in Drug Development using Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence.
Don't take what I say as an insult, I have no bad intentions and I'm open to talk about it.
Don't star my toots, I find that often useless: if you liked it send a reply.
Consider boosting the toots, it's the only real way in which stuff is propagated through mastodon.