Who out there in the #Ecology #Biodiversity and #GlobalEcology world is going to be headed to #AGU2022 in Chicago next week? Would be good to connect. Send a link to your talk or presentation and I will boost and promote it.
I participated in the release of the US Global Change Research Program's 10-year plan this week. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBEiIkDqB5s
@bjenquist Monday afternoon I'll present part of my dissertation research that was published in WRR this year. Western US forest disturbances were not always followed by increased streamflow, particularly in arid regions where disturbance was more prevalent.
ativsoftware.com/appinfo.php?pa… #AGU22
RT @ElenaLitchman@twitter.com
Can we use traits to help predict Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)? In this paper I outline a trait-based framework for HAB research which provides a better mechanistic understanding of blooms and makes novel predictions.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElenaLitchman/status/1600984982234595329
From a friend of a friend:
Hiring a Geospatial Principal Investigator to support the US Forest Service's Geospatial Tech & Applications Center in SLC, UT.
#Geospatial PhDs encouraged to apply.
Last month was the 9th warmest November on record globally - ERA5 data. Greenland observed anomalous warmth once again. Meanwhile, colder temperature anomalies were found in areas like the Antarctic, Australia, South America, and the western USA. #Climate #Weather
+ Summary of month: https://climate.copernicus.eu/surface-air-temperature-november-2022
+ Data from https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview
RT @leafwax@twitter.com
Introducing a living database of over 150,000 entries of past temperature change over the Phanerozoic, PhanSST! So excited that this mother of all data compilations is finally out! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01826-0
Data Scientist job with Forest Inventory & Analysis, Forest Service Southern Research Station #USDA_FIA @usfs_srs, anywhere in the US. Explore & analyze broad-scale forest monitoring data and work with a great group of people.
Open until Dec 19:
#ScienceMastodon #Forest
📣Call for nominations: Federal Advisory Committee for national forests in the NW Forest Plan area of Northern CA, OR, and WA, USA.
Committee will provide input around sustainability, climate change adaptation and wildfire resilience in land management while addressing increased demands on NW Forest Plan lands.
Committee will represent science community; NGOs; and gov't, tribal and public groups.
#ForestManagement #Climate #Adaptation #Wildfire #Resilience #PNW #USFS
The day of reckoning is coming for alfalfa in the western US, like it or not. And follow the chain? Eat less beef and you save scarce #water.
I cannot overstate how much time and energy we have saved by having a lab wiki where we record collective knowledge and solutions to common problems. Instead of trying to recreate something someone did two years ago it's a quick search and then often just copy-paste.
Here's ours: https://wiki.weecology.org/
A new analysis of more than 20,000 trees on five continents shows that old-growth #trees are more #drought tolerant than younger trees in the forest canopy and may be better able to withstand future climate extremes.
The findings highlight the importance of preserving the world’s remaining old-growth forests, which are #biodiversity strongholds that store vast amounts of planet-warming #carbon, according to University of Michigan forest ecologist Tsun Fung (Tom) Au, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Global Change Biology.
RT @KHayhoe@twitter.com
I served as a lead author for the U.S. National Climate Assessment for over a decade and I'll be sharing my thoughts on the importance of national assessments on Tues Dec 6 as we look forward to the next decade of the @usgcrp@twitter.com. Join us here! https://mailchi.mp/usgcrp/save-the-date-usgcrp-international-workshop-6-7-december-6183052?e=5577a47d51
The #AGU22 Fall Meeting Agency Lecture will be given by Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Director of the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy. More info at https://fal.cn/3u5PH
RT @ecologyofgavin
Are you an ecologist with a passion for data viz? Want to help communicate science to managers through data viz, tools, etc to make a difference on the ground?
Apply to this PERMANENT GS-12 “user interface developer” with USFS-RMRS in Flagstaff!!!
Toxic dust warnings might be our future as the #GreatSaltLake shrivels up
“The really small particles that we call PM 2.5, those are able to go a lot deeper into people's lungs…that can cause inflammation in the lungs and can cause respiratory issues, definitely, but also cardiovascular issues.”
#CriticalZone Network #Dustˆ2 Cluster member Maura Hahnenberger quoted in this 2022 story by Ivana Martinez for KUER 90.1.
Studies interactions among trees, snow, and water via research, skiing, boating, and making things out of wood.