Did you know?
First released in 1989 BASH is named after the noise your head makes when it hits your desk after looking at it for too long?
Just had Google Bard create JSON Schema for all five pages of a test site of mine - gave it the URLs as a list. Done in seconds and it all looks good.
Which begs the question now - do i actually need to make Schema for my pages if Google can do that itself...
Wondering if my manager would approve two weeks off, so I could work up a new ~/.emacs file.
Thinking of ditching Doom, going back to vanilla.
ClojureScript / Npm integration feels like it has come a looong way. Especially with shadow-cljs.
I was able to get a sanity.io client spun up really easily.
@tomheyes same, one day i will find thr ultimate productivity configuration, one day ;)
I repeatedly fall into the trap of working on my emacs configuration rather than doing the work I've set up my emacs configuration to help me with... #emacs #tinkering
The juxt function is one of my favorites. It returns a function that lets you run many functions against the same parameters and returns the results as a vector.
((juxt inc dec even? odd? -) 1)
=> [2 0 false true -1]
40% off on Manning books atm :-)
Today feels like the most Monday of Mondays. #monday
Software Developer at Kroo based in Manchester UK
Ex: #ThoughtWorks, #Wefarm
#Clojure #Emacs #Tech