@Kagekokoro @McMongoose @Humpleupagus @histoire @GrantTK @NathanielHigger1488 if someone wants to pin you down with these laws, they can. most german laws are bendable like rubber.
@histoire @Kagekokoro @McMongoose @Humpleupagus @GrantTK @NathanielHigger1488
in the US you at least have the possibility of jury nullification which is pretty cool.
the german system is the worst of every world. it's an unholy mixture of germanic law (which is pretty nice) and roman law (meh, but ok?). we at one point had jurys, those were removed for being a too sane mechanism. now everything is decided by a clergy of corrupt academics.
@Kagekokoro @McMongoose @Humpleupagus @histoire @GrantTK @NathanielHigger1488 IANAL of course