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@zencibiskuvi oo manolya manolya sıcak bir tebessüm

Beğendim şarkıyı :ablobattentionreverse: nsnsnss

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Following his so-far unsuccessful attempt to lure Donald Trump back to Twitter, Elon Musk has opened the social media platform up to another once-banned far-right favorite: Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Bangun tidur jam 9 pagi bangkitnya jam 12 siang

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Social media drama 

Sy di twitter sejak 2007. Bbrp tahun terakhir entah krn migrasi dari pesbuk atau mmg masuknya generasi baru, tiap hari ada aja ribut masalah sepele yg baru. Emosi dan pikiran user tiap hari kyk lari2 di hamster wheel; ngegas seharian utk ngegas lagi di esok hari.

Seems the whole community has the urge to pile on and comment or quote EVERY👏🏻 LITTLE👏🏻 THING👏🏻 they disagree on.

Dari hal receh sampai pernyataan yg gak waras bukannya diabaikan, malah diangkat dan diberi panggung dgn RT,QT,dll.

Artinya? Dalam konteks SOCIAL MEDIA, ini bukan masalah media/mediumnya. Ini masalah social di societynya..

..dan society warga sini punya traits gila urusan, ngomong di blkg, FOMO, keroyokan, "circle"²an, idolisasi selebtot/gram, dsb.

Sy tdk punya solusi. Silakan sesuaikan ekspektasi krn apa yg ada di tw/fb/ig, pasti akan ikut kesini.

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moeba boosted

Cobaan gk cuma duka dan derita. Kadang juga berupa senang dan bahagia.

ben yalnızca aşka aşıktım.. sana değil

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I don’t understand why people think Mastodon is difficult. It seems pretty straightforward, and the separate servers are no biggie. I’m enjoying this fresh start here, like moving to a new apartment!

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@Nollaaqeela coba join dah mulai rame mastodon server indo semua isinya

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