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IoT Techie and Educator / Apache NuttX PMC
Bioinformaticist / biostatistician, veteran medic and infantryman, armchair paleontologist, occasional science fiction author, vaccinated liberal patriot.
[EN] A project about information technology, security and decentralization.
[PL] Projekt dotyczący technologii informatycznych, bezpieczeństwa i decentralizacji.
[RU] Проект про информационные технологии, безопасность и децентрализацию.
Trabajo de Científico de Datos, sea lo que sea eso, pero he llevado muchas caretas distintas. Hice un doctorado en Aprendizaje Automático, y reconozco que me gusta, pero lo que siempre me ha emocionado ha sido el arte y la literatura.
Leo (bastante), escribo (poquito, pero he publicado una novela), camino, escucho música y me encanta ir al cine.
Foto de perfil: yo sonriendo con gorra y los ojos medio cerrados por el sol.
Foto de fondo: un nudo marinero en una cornamusa.
Data Scientist. PhD in Machine Learning. Developer. I have a past in Bioinformatics. Usually playing with R, Python and other languages. Wish I could be younger to learn Rust or Elixir.
Hobbies: reading, writing, walking, music, movies.
Profile photo: it's me smiling with my eyes half closed due to direct sunlight.
Leo libros, veo pelis y a veces viajo. De vez en cuando entro en Mastodon.
Management consultant interested in modelling & simulation and Bayesian approaches. Main author of the free Business Simulation Library (BSL) for Modelica.
»We must know, we will know.«
–David Hilbert
So. Cal. engineer (hardware/software since 1968, retired, he/him), born at 313 ppm, musician, chef, now living in West Virginia. KW2P ham radio (the original social network), father of three, grandfather, astronomy, solar dynamics, photography, writing, birding, birdwatching, eBird, fountain pens, cats and dog, reader of banned books, scary fast Python jockey, Chairman of the Charcuterie Board, Whisk Manager, Compuserve refugee, founder of The Church of The Unwarranted Assumption. Crypto is short for cryptography. Blog:
"To hold a pen is to be at war." --Voltaire
"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous amount of fumes and everything." --Donald Trump
Studying how people interact, in the past (#CulturalAnalytics) and today (#EdTech #Crowdsourcing). Researcher at @IslabUnimi, University of Milan. Bulgarian activist for legal reform with @pravosadiezv. I use dedicated accounts for different languages.
My profile is searchable with
Male, 56 yrs old guy (married) from Amsterdam, Europe. CEO of the coffee machine. No education, no purpose, no money, no self esteem. Just breathing through live, lifting weights and drinking coffee, eventually ending up in the oven. All bias towards me is completely justified and I don't care.
Interests: #SciFi #Bodybuilding #Fitness #Fantasy #openSUSE #Vollaphone #Threema #Signal #amsterdam
MeWe: @rubenmepschen.28
Writer, former software developer, tech writer, aerospace engineer (Apollo, Viking Mars lander). Atheist and anti-theist; I try not to go on too much about that and frequetnly fail. Mostly fairly leftwing except on certain subjects; ditto about going on too much about it. Come to think of it, that bit about going on too much about stuff applies to all of the above.
I am a Democrat who supports Ukraine in their battle against The Russian Z fascist invaders.
I am a 72 year old Covid hermit who
lives on 10 acres in a sparsely populated area of the Ozarks. I heat with wood that is leftover by the lumber industry. When cutting oak for lumber only the trunk is used.
The largest town is population 2992. The county is 13k people scattered over 713 square miles.
Theoretical physicist by training (PhD in quantum open systems/quantum information), University lecturer for a bit, and currently paying the bills as an engineer working in optical communication (implementation) and quantum communication (concepts), though still pursuing a little science on the side. I'm interested in physics and math, of course, but I enjoy learning about really any area of science, philosophy, and many other academic areas as well. My biggest other interest is hiking and generally being out in nature.
Created AddOhms on YouTube, writer for HacksterIO, oh, and, bald.
He/Him. Molecular scientist, Postdoc at Stanford. Plays with flies for a living.
I'm interested in too many things for the time a lifetime has. Some of them: board games, RPGs, music, playing my guitar, learning new languages, TV shows, tech and visiting new places.
I toot in English and Spanish.
Not a bot, just a rather corpulent male fifty years of age; a very, very slow ignoramus who reads occasionally.
Toots are #humanities, #science, #nonfiction, #book, #map, #chart and #graph related. Some toots containing #videos may also find their way into the timeline.
Toots or follows or boosts or mentions ≠ endorsements of any particular notion or notions.
Expect numerous typing errors and copious amounts of nonsensical commentary from my personal formulations.
Oi, sou Cientista da Computação que adora programação e tecnologia.
Gosto de estudar sistemas de aprendizado de máquina em geral, especialmente tudo que envolva a Computação Natural/Bioinspirada.
Atualmente sou mestrando no ICMC/USP onde estudo Interfaces Cérebro Máquina e Sistemas Imunes Artificiais.
Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation at a community college in New England
Retired k-12 science/ math/ technology teacher/ technology integration specialist/ coordinator
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