Intentionally creating a QOTO account to circumvent people blocking you.
No hate speech, We define hate speech as any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a protected characteristic, in other words, based on their age, disability, ethnicity, gender, pregnancy, nationality, sex or sexuality.
Being a bot (unless you post unlisted and do not auto-follow)
Any account setup to advertise a product or service
NSFW without a content warning
Spoilers without a content warning
Blocking of moderators is prohibited since it interferes with their ability to moderate content. However if you do not wish a moderator to comment on your posts outside of official moderator communication such a request will be honored.
What won't get you banned:
Hurting someone's feelings in respectful discourse
Unpopular opinions voiced respectfully will be fine, so long as it doesnt violate our other rules.
Personal differences that can be solved by a personal block
Lewd jokes
A bot where all posts are unlisted
We are all adults here, act like it. Despite our belief in freedom of expression (free speech) we want to create a space where people are respectful to each other. Don't disrespect people; if they disrespect you then block them and move on. If we get a report on one of our users then an administrator will reach out to the parties involved and try to mediate a peaceful resolution. We will talk it through like mature adults. Lets remember there is a person at the other end of the screen, if we can be mature in real life we can do it here too.
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.