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A full rotation of the Moon in high resolution created from photos captured by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.



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Even if you removed all of the alt-right stuff coming from the owner of Twitter, I would still not be interested in it simply because of Twitter Blue being prioritized in replies and timeline.

This choice means that buying Blue is essentially the same as buying Google Ads to get priority in search results.

It makes the entire platform hollow. A person's follower count, likes, etc. are not a reflection of the content they produce, but a reflection of the fact that they purchased ad space.

To me that makes Twitter no longer a social network. It's now a marketing platform, plain and simple. And I'm a human, not a marketer, I want to connect with other humans. I want to see content because other people found it to be interesting.

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A snowflake in macro ❄️❄️❄️Photo by Alexey Kljatov ❄️❄️❄️ #geometryinnature

@Chrishallbeck I've put this in my inbox to be processed at my weekly review. You know, the one I never did.

Curmudgeon boosted

Please buy my new book: “How To Get Organized and Create the Most Effective To-Do-Lists as an Advanced Form of Procrastination”

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One thing that Mastodon newcomers may not realize is how easy it is to turn Mastodon for web into essentially a Tweetdeck clone, with columns for search/compose, home, notifications, and any lists you've set up. It takes literally seconds.

Here's what mine looks like right now:

Curmudgeon boosted

@brendannyhan "mastodon" isn't give you those messages. Your mastodon server is.

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Everybody's gonna find their own way on here, but in case helpful to any other relative newcomers...

I had avoided using tools like Movetodon that let you easily follow all your Twitter follows, bc I wanted to start fresh.

But I was finding it a bit quiet, so today I used Movetodon and sorted the list to show the most recently active users at the top. I selectively followed about 100 of those, and now my Mastodon feed is much livelier.

Curmudgeon boosted

It's hard to overstate the extent to which the FBI-Twitter-Hunter Biden narrative promoted by Musk depends on narrative over evidence.

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“Now that we're in a moment of disruption and there's the potential that social media might be very different on the other side of it, we're going to need to retrain ourselves to become more active news consumers again. Or, at least, I am.

Which is how I ended up firing up an RSS feed reader for the first timed in a long time last week. And honestly, when I launched it, it felt like a revelation.”

This is the way. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Pro tip for breaking the twittier habit. If you're not quite ready to delete the app, put your mastadon app where twitter was on your home screen. When you reflexively open your phone for a shot of anger, you'll feel your blood pressure drop as you're greeted with the relative sanity that goes on here.

Curmudgeon boosted

😂 So I asked #ChatGPT to write a sea #shanty about #JohnMastodon:

Oh ho ho and a bottle of rum!
We'll sing a song of John Mastodon,
A hero of the social scene,
Fighting against the evil Elon Musk,
Twitter's wicked queen.

He roamed the seas of the internet,
A stalwart, brave and true,
Defending all the simple folk,
From those who'd see them through.

With a heart of gold and a spirit strong,
He battled on through thick and thin,
And when the day was done and won,
His followers numbered in the billions.

So raise a glass and sing a song,
For John Mastodon, the hero of the hour,
He's vanquished Musk and all his tricks,
And given hope to the web's downtrodden flower.

So here's to you, John Mastodon,
May your legend never fade,
For you've brought light to the dark corners,
Of the internet's endless glade.

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Curmudgeon boosted

Hello #mastodon world!
Here’s a little #introduction on me—
I’m Alexa Gagosz and I’m a business reporter for the #BostonGlobe where I cover the housing crisis in Rhode Island, health care, innovation, and the business of food!
I’m sick of learning about #journalists doing their jobs and getting banned from #twitter.
With that being said, I’m new here and trying to learn. Thanks for the warm welcome ! 📰

#twittermigration #journalism #reporter #news #press #newengland #twitterpurge

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.