@cian @NicoleCRust I feel this deep in my soul. I think almost all of the "circuit" work that has been done using BRAIN initiative funded technology has just been an engine for producing Cell and Nature papers with tiny data figures and has generated virtually no new insight into how the brain works.
In her #JEB100 ECR Spotlight Janneke Schwaner talks about her journey working with carnivorous plants, kangaroo rats and guineafowl, and how the life of ECRs could be made easier
Read her full research here
Our paper on cognitive modelling of road user interaction, by combining a bunch of different psychological theories into one model, is just out in PNAS Nexus ✨🎉🍾
It amazes me when I see neurotechnological solutions that allow fundamental questions to be answered in a completely new way.
Here is a recent Neuron paper:
An extract:
"...novel approaches, including long-term underwater neural recording in freely swimming fish, to examine a substantially more complex (and realistic) version of the reafference cancellation problem in the active electrosensory system. Our data and modeling suggest that the cerebellum-like circuitry of the ELL [electrosensory lobe] achieves reafference cancellation by combining motor-related signals with environmental information derived from spatially distributed electrosensory input, providing insight into the longstanding question of how forward models are implemented by cerebellar circuitry."
The bacteria in your gut help to move more than just your bowels– they can actually improve your motivation to exercise! Read more in this week's post, written by Andrew Nguyen.
Grad students and postdocs, come present your neuroscience research at @HHMIJanelia
from Nov 5-10 (before SfN, we're near DC!) All model organisms welcome, all ideas/work welcome 🐭🐟🪰🪱🐦🐒
Apply by July 12 here: https://www.janelia.org/you-janelia/conferences/junior-scientist-workshop-on-mechanistic-cognitive-neuroscience-2
(fully funded: travel + housing + meals covered by HHMI!)
Astronauts’ brains take a hit during long spaceflights. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/08/world/astronaut-brain-ventricle-study-scn/index.html
Academic journals have become a racket that discredits research. This is a scandal that will have terrible long-term consequences. https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-06-04/a-researcher-who-publishes-a-study-every-two-days-reveals-the-darker-side-of-science.html
Very cool modeling study looking at the source of EEG signals. Worth reading.
Brandon J. Thio, Warren M. Grill (2023) Relative Contributions of Different Neural Sources to the EEG, NeuroImage, in press
Apologies - reposting my #introduction after I moved to neuromatch.social
I’m a cognitive neuroscientist based in Ferrara, Italy. My scientific interest is related to the #neurobehavioral mechanisms that enable the integration of #perception and #action. I seek to understand how the sensorimotor processes involved in voluntary movement execution support perceptual discrimination of biological movement and guide motor coordination among multiple individuals.
As a side note, I love books (the real, paper ones and heavy ones too!) and also passionate about the #History of #Neuroscience #Neurophysiology #Psychology
New paper showing the value of using a soft robotic leg phantom for testing robotic lower limb exoskeletons. Human tissue is squishy and leads to a lot of energy losses that are unexpected. Great way to test and improve prototypes before reaching human trials.
Starting a list of all the amazing early career researchers that have made the wise decision to join us on this worthy platform (but mighta also take an exposure hit for that). Let's all boost and follow!
Let me start with two:
Please add two more (maybe yourself and 1 other?)
The news is out; big news for me. I am thrilled to have been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society:
I have MANY people to thank, which I begin to do here in the #JohnsFreezer blog, including some of my journey with them:
For those working on human augmentation technologies, check out this opportunity. It would be great if ARL, AFOSR, or ONR would run a similar competition. https://t.co/hXM6sdQbvZ
In her #JEB100 Review, Mimi Koehl discusses the physical laws and ecological interactions that determine how morphology affects biomechanical performance and how this can in turn influence the evolution of biological form & function
#biomechanics #biology
You Belong Here!
It looks like all NeuroImage editors have resigned over Elsevier's unwillingness to lower their APC. They're working with MIT Press to make a new journal called Imaging Neuroscience with an APC as low as possible, hopefully less than half of what Elsevier currently charges.
Honestly, good for them.
Full announcement here: https://imaging-neuroscience.org/
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #APC #RELX #Elsevier #AcademicChatter
This resignation draws a final line under 10 years of various editorial roles I have had at Elsevier journals. I have felt conflicted the whole time.
A small number of key people within Elsevier were instrumental in supporting Registered Reports in the early years, and I’m very grateful to them (you know who you are).
But those people are now gone and the company as a whole is a parasite. So let's move forward together as a community and leave Elsevier behind.
beach volleyball player, dad, husband, and neuromechanist