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Hey Aussies... When did Vegemite change its name?

And I heard, there are 60 players born in France playing in the Finals

And now the GOP don't like nazis? Only a few weeks ago, they thought differently.
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, former chairman and CEO of Nestlé, said the idea that water is a human right is extreme... Nestlé gets free water in the USA and bottles it to sell to idiots

Third year in a row with 600+ mass shootings in the USA.

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Active shooter training session being offered at work. The message is that gun violence is an inevitability on campus and admin can’t protect us #AcademicLife #GunControlNow

Proper New Hire Orientation is key to successful onboarding and leads to improved employee retention.

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The world has recently become less democratic.

Many more people have democratic rights than in the past. Some of this progress has recently been reversed.

Read our post:

@marcelias the USA could learn from countries like Australia, where elections are handled by a respected authority, rather than at the whim of State politicians.

We've got to the point where heinous lies are regarded as a legitimate "viewpoint" and opinions are just as valid as facts. This is terrible for the direction of the human species

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If insists on selling a film that, among other things, denies the FACT that millions of Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, it’s unconscionable not to do the bare minimum & provide a disclaimer explaining why the film is problematic & antisemitic.


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Floyd boosted

I went to the doctor.
What did they say?

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