Lo yuan cinese puntato alla tempia argentina
L’Argentina, le cui esangui riserve valutarie sono state ulteriormente colpite dalla siccità che abbatte l’export, si indebita con la Cina per risparmiare preziosi dollari
RT @newscientist
The cosmic microwave is the oldest light we have seen – and the oldest we ever will see. But there is another, untapped source of information about the early universe out there that could help us peer much further back in time: cosmic neutrinos https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25834360-100-my-plan-to-spot-neutrinos-from-the-big-bang-would-transform-cosmology/?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=echobox&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1682700930
RT @PhysInHistory
A Physics genius and his mysterious disappearance 📑
Ettore Majorana, a brilliant Italian theoretical physicist, made remarkable contributions to quantum mechanics and nuclear physics in the early 20th century. He is best known for his discovery of Majorana fermions, unique… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652372618278998017
Il patto di stabilità in un paese traballante
Malumori contrapposti per la proposta finale della Commissione Ue. Ma il nostro paese, con le sue sempre più evidenti fragilità finanziarie, affronterà un percorso minato a prescindere
#Zipline - How #Rwanda Built A #Drone Delivery Service #Blood - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEbRVNxL44c
Hollywood Beach: #Waterspout crashes onto #beach full of people
RT @LoImperatore
In codesti mesti tempori habet fatto la comparsa una nuova eresia: Leva Brache (Bikini off). Esso non est altro che un botto di telegrammo in grado di levar omnia sorta di vestimento da uno dagherrotipo di una pulzella.
#DeathPenalty for Parents of murdered baby #PrisonForLife to social services officer who made this possible
RT @ExRdFestival
Jupiter's moons dance,
#JUICE mission to capture their
Mysteries and grace.
A haiku for @ESA_JUICE which launches today at 13.15!
Find out more about the mission and @imperialcollege's key role 🛰️
👉 http://ow.ly/erWK50NHUNz