We are organizing the FP Dag aka Dutch Functional Programming Day on Friday the 5th of January in Delft. People from neighboring countries are also very welcome to join!
The (soft) registration deadline is on the 22th of December (next Friday), so get your tickets soon!
#FP #FPDag #FunctionalProgramming #Haskell #OCaml #Scala #Racket #Scheme #Agda #Coq #Idris #Lean #AndAllTheOtherLanguagesIForgot
@yosh Oh, we could use `yolo { }` for the unsafe elim form!
`unsafe`/`yolo` seems like a good pairing.
Blog Post: Non-Send Futures When?
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://matklad.github.io/2023/12/10/nsfw.html
🦀 New #rustlang blog post! Learn about temporary lifetimes, about something called "temporary lifetime extension", and my idea for a new language feature called "super let".
If you've not read through the #BytecodeAlliance blog post on wasmtime and cranelift in 2023, I recommend it, not merely for #wasmtime information, but rather for a great summary of proposals in #webassembly and the component model. really well done. https://bytecodealliance.org/articles/wasmtime-and-cranelift-in-2023
I made a little website yesterday. Today is election day in the Netherlands and I always get jealous of the interfaces they use on TV to explore possible coalitions based on the polls. So, I made one myself!
I put in a few poll results from yesterday and will update it later today with exit polls and the final results once they are available.
Also, I used the new Svelte 5 to build this and it was great!
For me probably the most interesting application of LLMs/ML/AI in the context of programming is when they’re combined with an additional step of “verification”.
If I’m generating api endpoint boilerplate, or database queries • then yeah sure, I trust that I can probably eyeball whether something is roughly right. It’s fine.
But if I’m porting some critical production system from one language to another. Or changing it in some other substantial but automated way — verification becomes critical.
85,000, confirmed by the police. Largest climate match ever in the Netherlands! #klimaatmars
New lifetime capture rules for Rust 2024 edition [Accepted RFC]
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/3498-lifetime-capture-rules-2024.html
Want shorter Rust compile times? Try out the new experimental parallel front-end. Details in the blog post.
here's an animation emulating what it's like to see motion on high-framerate monitors!
the video is 60 fps, but I've used temporal supersampling to add the frames you would see, if your monitor was of a higher framerate
it's not 100% accurate of course, it looks more like motion blur here than it would on an actual high-framerate display, but hopefully it gives you an idea of the smoothness of higher refresh rates
my talk "Why can't you multiply vectors?" is now live on youtube!! 🎉
We're looking for sponsors for our next Rust meetup at TU Delft (NL).
If you're interested (or have tips) please contact @erikjee / erik@rustnl.org. Thanks!
We are back for day 22 of the @extinctionrebellionnl #A12 blockade in the Hague, demonstrating against Dutch government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, totalling at least 37.5 billion euros a year. #scientistrebellion #StopFossieleSubsidies #climatecrisis