I us3d to make fun of Butte Falls, being the hot, gritty steppingstone to the more beautiful Prospect, OR…but they have some real talent on hand in this tiny town that also delivers drinking water to 60,000+ people in the valley below.
Nicely done, Butte Falls. Your safety and our climate will be the reward.
Niagara Falls taken in late 50"s using a Zeiss Ikon 120 roll film camera made around WW2.
A two frame composite of the Milky Way and my kitty "Ding" waiting for me to join him in the freezing cold tent. Ding loved to go camping with me. I sure do miss Schrödinger, the Kampin' Kitty . (Photo: Massacre Rim, International Dark Sky Sanctuary, Nevada (5/23/2020).)
#AstroPhotography #MilkyWay #Astronomy #Camping #CatsOfMastodon #Photography #LinuxPhotography #Darktable #GIMP
Throwback to hanging out at one of the most famous fault locations in the world - Wallace Creek.
The 1st image is of me standing near the current location of the creek on the downstream side of the fault. The 2nd image is a lidar image from OpenTopography of the fault with the location where I’m standing in the 1st image marked by an .
The kids are going to be alright. They're fighting like hell for their future. Will you join them?
Orange County valedictorian calls on school board members to resign at graduation
“Our teachers get paid virtually nothing, yet they protect their student body to the highest standard possible. What do they get in return? They’re called groomers by parents on Facebook. Instead of our school board backing these teachers, they buy into the narrative and concern themselves more with depriving students of their basic freedoms, releasing policies to take away Black history and forcibly outing students who are not heterosexual,” Mthethwa said, calling on the immediate resignation of three members of the Orange County School Board."
Terrible news for the environment today. Sadly though, not unexpected news.
Small and "isolated" wetlands have connections in the groundwater system and treating these isolated wetlands as something that can be plowed under or build over is going to have serious environmental issues.
But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The US Supreme Court Clean Water Act decision could be disastrous for wetland protection - and therefore for our nation's flood risks and water quality. The continuous surface test ignores the physical / hydrologic realities of wetlands.
#CleanWaterAct #WOTUS #Water #SupremeCourt #Wetlands #WetlandProtection
My shorthand for the approach we most need in election coberage is this:
"Not the odds, but the stakes."
How does this work in practice? Margaret Sullivan answers that in The Guardian today. "Now’s the time to think about just how bad a DeSantis presidency would be."
Not how DeSantis plans to outwit Trump and then succeed in "the general" (itself an insidery phrase...) but what life would be like if he took power.
Not the odds, but the stakes.
I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore - or are we?
While much of the state is flat or punctuated by rolling hills, Kansas features some unique geological sights, including Monument Rocks in the western part of the state. Part of a series of badlands with notable fossil deposits, the outcrops are carved out of limestone that was deposited when the area was covered by an inland sea during the Cretaceous. The formations rise 21 m (70 ft) above the landscape.
Pro-Tip: Anytime you see a headline about a bill dying/passing "in Congress," always think to yourself:
That’s a Both Sides framing.
The ERA bill did not fail in the Senate today, it was filibustered by the Republicans. The Framing that it failed in the Senate is a way to distribute the failure to Both Sides.
The hostage note that K-Mac passed today is another one; not one Democrat voted for it, so the Republicans passed that bill, not The House.
Amongst other fun on a family visit to Boston this week, we visited the Bunker Hill Monument, which it turns out is not on Bunker Hill, because neither was the Battle of Bunker Hill (a pyrrhic victory for the British in the Revolutionary War) that it commemorates.
The monument is built of granite: I didn’t see any on the monument itself, but the curbstones on the walkway around it had some very nice pegmatite veins. #geology #rocks
Today Jim Jordan is holding a Judiciary Committee hearing in NYC to attack Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg for prosecuting Trump. Yet Jordan will NOT hold a hearing to investigate Clarence Thomas's obvious misconduct. This is what WEAPONIZATION of the govt looks like! My new CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/17/opinions/jim-jordan-clarence-thomas-judiciary-committee-obeidallah/index.html
I’ve posted about the Great Unconformity several times now (and you still must capitalize it), and had the chance to see when visiting the Red Rock Canyon Conservation Area in Las Vegas.
After almost 5 years, I didn’t trust I’d be able to find it again. I decided to search Google maps and sure enough, there it was. Thank you to the wonderful person who put it on the map, and thank you Google for adding it! See the location below.
In the last picture it is in the rocks near the left of the picture where the trail can be seen and the metal sign is standing (zoom in). They are the same rocks layers known as the Great Unconformity at the bottom of the Grand Canyon in an easily accessible part of Las Vegas. You’re welcome.
The Great Unconformity
Tapeats Sandstone - 525 million years old
Vishnu Schist - 1.7 billion years old
Time Gap of 1.2 billion years = The Great Unconformity
The crazy vivid colours of an Azure Kingfisher just before sunrise this morning
We followed this one as it worked its way upstream, finding a new perch after each dive into the river. Despite these bright colours, they're surprisingly difficult to see when they're not moving
If this insane ruling by the Texas judge is allowed to stand, any drug could be open to being removed by a judge overriding the FDA. And it could go the other way as another judge could literally tell the FDA to approve an unsafe or ineffective drug because a drug maker or a citizen wants it available. This judge is not qualified to overrule or second guess the experts, scientists, and medical professionals on what is a safe and effective medication after intense scrutiny and rigorous testing. And if this stands, what will happen to other regulatory agencies in this country if someone, say, doesn't like the fact they cannot dump sewage in the ocean and sues in court to override the clean water act so he can dispose of his raw sewage in the nearest river or ocean? The ramifications of this ruling could be wide-reaching and devastating to everyone.
#AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRights #FuckJudgeKacsmaryk
#StandUp #FightBack
For those of you who might be wondering - here are the original photographs that the two Polaroids above are derived from.
These were shot on very expired Ektachrome E100G on an overcast winter day, these are the colours exactly as they came out on the original slides!
You can 'correct' the colour on slides like these but honestly I like them just as they are If I wanted accurate colour I'd use fresh film!
Mineral collector for past 70 years. Served 21 years in United States Navy and 20 years at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Wife and I plus 3 granddaughters are llama owners.