If we make science more accessible, do we democratize it? This study finds that science communication can reinforce traditional visions where science is treated as a set of riskless, and fixed assertions sharply demarcated from historical, sociopolitical, economic, methodological, and personal contexts:
Las claves de la nueva ley universitaria: del paro estudiantil a la precariedad laboral:
I'm now in a talk about #ESCAPE : The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics 💫
From #opendata to #openresearch 👁️🗨️
In the talk of Challenges in computing and software for our Big Data at JENAS2022. I learned some cool initiatives of #opendata, #openscience and #sustainability in Europe ^^
I'm not a graphic designer why do I have to make my own poster #criesinprocastination
Hi! I'm Patri. A physics PhD student in my second year in particle #physics theory working in nucleon structure in 3D. I am also an #activist and in my free time I enjoy watching #anime, reading #scifi and #feminist books. I also enjoy going #running while playing a #podcast and I cook #vegan recipes in the weekends. Looking for mutuals that share some interests 😊💜
PhD Student in Particle Theory
💜Feminist Activist in my free time
Tweets bilingual.
Las opiniones son mias.