@4nd3rs @jenspoder @Kristofferabild @nikolajfj @balslev @gahms @Silberbauer Jeg kan ikke andet end tilslutte mig den beskrivelse. Meget læsværdig!!
For water, the safe and just boundaries specify that surface water flows should not fluctuate more than 20% relative to the natural flow on a monthly basis; while groundwater withdrawal should not be more than the recharge rate. These boundaries have been crossed
Big Tech water use is grossly underestimated . Use at Microsoft's Dutch data center was four times initial plans. Big Tech demand will only increase because of rising average temps and AI's incredible thirst.
Min kommentar i 'Kommunen' til farcen om KL, Datatilsynet, politikerne og Google Workspace:
'Vi trænger til det, der på digitalt hedder “hard reset” – en genstart af hele systemet, hvor vi tænker os om, smider det ud, der ikke dur, og får bygget noget nyt.
Det skylder I ærlig talt vores børn og vores samfund.'
Vi taler ikke om det, men AI bliver en gigantisk belastning for klimaet og naturen
Det er sjældent bekvemt at være klimavenlig. AI-feberen raser i samfundet, hvor konsulenthuse kaster om sig med løfter om effektiviseringer. Universiteter kappes om at imødekomme arbejdsgivernes forestillede efterspørgsel på dimittender med AI-
Sorry, men folks hylen om det "uventede vand" fik mit bæger til at koge over:
To celebrate the Mac’s 40th anniversary, some of my old school Macintosh cross stitch projects. First up, the happy Mac startup icon on a classic checkerboard gray background. #NerdStitch 1/10
@Gmatom ♥️
Did you know that #AppleReminders is sort of a secret power tool for projects and todos?
It even has a kanban view.
And clicking any one of those icons on the reminders shown? Opens the project note in #AppleNotes. Easy. Simple built in tools.
I wrote about my time as an #Apple dispatch repair tech going door to door in Chicago fixing #Macs https://matduggan.com/fixing-macs-door-to-door/
@BasicAppleGuy And - one could create up to four or five aliases (of own naming choice) to the e-mail account, which was then also aliased to @me.com and iCloud.com emails so that means a lot of usable emails today tied into one account! And don’t forget the Virex antivirus that was included at some point 😁
Har skrevet om problemerne med at digitalisere hele Danmark med lukket, dyr software fra USA, software vi ikke har kontrol over og hvis prissætning er uden for kontrol. Og jeg har undret mig over, at ingen kan se det før det koster #dkpol #itpol #oss #foss
@ggete oh yes, have wondered about that too 😃
Rare good news about NFTs
@gamesbymanuel but except from the persons who got caught by the hype, hasn’t it also been a schem to laundry money?
@marczak She is amazing in Severance! And be sure to read the free iBook from Lumon 😊
@benteh using a couple of AirTags in Keys and am quite pleased with them. Will mount them in wristbands for the small kids (5 & 3) when going to a crowded amusement park next week (don’t expect them to run off but nice upgrade from just the phone number on the arm previous years). (But AirTags will be returned to Keychain, without kids, afterwards 😁)
Hooray, the Dutch government has its own place in the #fediverse on Mastodon 🎉!
A promising combo: public organisations and a platform from and for everyone based on #openstandards 🌐.
It feels like coming home to us 🏡!
Congratulations also to StasBZK @avhuffelen, @belastingdienst and @minbzk.
Together with other #fediverse users, let's make it something beautiful step by step 🚀!
IT system administrator with a special love for macOS