If you don't like kavanaugh,and you feel sorry for a fake victim who conspired with others to take down a republican supreme Court nominee then you are a bleeding heart liberal who is ruining this country with your beta-male CNN indoctrinated +operation mockingbird) beliefs and sadly to say I pity you...useful idiot.
#Honduras and #Guatemala decline to mention #Taiwan at the UN #GeneralAssembly, fines for illegal investment from #China are increased, #Facebook talks Asia investment plans and much more. https://international.thenewslens.com/article/105017 #asia #news
"I wish more companies would start filling potholes because our government, the corrupt government is not gonna do it!" — @Johncdvorak #noagenda 1043
16-Year-Old Boy Who Hacked Apple's Private Systems Gets No Jail Time #hackers https://thehackernews.com/2018/09/apple-server-hack.html
Christine Blasey Ford has completed her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee is in recess, and Brett Kavanaugh will testify after the break.