So Berlusconi, Italy's precursor to Trump and Johnson, has died. No tears shed here. He was a deeply malign toxic influence on Italy.
"When cis people try to understand what it is to be trans, I think they often try to imagine what it would feel like to want to be 'the opposite sex'. What they should be trying to imagine, instead, is how it would feel to wake up and find that the whole world insists they *are* the opposite sex. That would be a much closer scenario to how it feels to be trans." Sage
(Alt Text: Picture of Sage's feet in the water. Text as above)
For #WorldOceanDay - a recommendation:
I've been reading this book by @al_humphreys with my kids and it's not only a pretty engaging read, by turns funny, informative, serious and gripping, it also deals very sensibly with the massive issues facing the ocean, though with a light touch.
Pollution, plastics, overfishing, marine biology are all covered but never preachily*.
Highly recommended to introduce some difficult issues to 8 year olds +
Economics: Humans only value things monetarily.
Sociology: Uh, I don't ...
Economics: Humans are always rational and value is calculated by a complex inner calculus.
Sociology: Uh, Psy, can you help?
Psychology: That's not how humans ...
Physics: *drops teacup*
LOTR trilogy but just the scenes where two female characters interact.
@morgthorak I think you might want to make sure you don’t follow me.
Because your “woke communist propaganda” comment makes me think you’re a moron of the first order.
I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists” you worry about. But you probably couldn’t actually explain what either of those words actually mean, could you?
I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with.
And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. So please just unfollow me right now.
Hell is rejoicing today because Pat's coming home!
We've been through so much, with so many bad actors, that it's easy to forget that Susan Collins is still a piece of shit.
Vocation: Oceanographer developing numerical modeling/data assimilation/coupled ensemble forecast systems on #HPC platforms mostly using FORTRAN/ksh/python.
Avocation: Mentor/coach for grade 7-12 FIRST #FRCrobotics and #FTCrobotics competition teams, so jack of all trades in/adjacent to closed-loop control and navigation, computer vision, digital graphics, CAD/CAM, 3Dprinter/laser cutter/CNC router and other shop fab. #omgrobots