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@spladayum boosted

Usenet: find your people! there are several dozen of them on rec.arts.funny!
Listservs: find your people! there are 100 of them on this obscure list devoted to Marxist cultural criticism
Blogs: find your people! each time one of them visits your site, your little counter will increment! look! it has reached four digits!
Social media: find your people! there are several million strangers who are calling you names!
Post-social media: find your people! there are several dozen of them!

@spladayum boosted

A couple days ago I was considering the noun and verb "conglomerate" for reasons, and thinking about it having Latin roots.

It dawned on me thus that the verb "glom" has a Latin root, which I find delightful.

@spladayum boosted

Unless leaders put serious prevention measures in place to get viral spread under control, we are not going to be able to retain healthcare workers. Thanks to the negligence of politicians, healthcare workers keep being pushed to the limits. This isn’t sustainable.

#COVID #Flu #RSV #healthcare #PublicHealth

@spladayum boosted

Did you know that for centuries, a “gossip” was a woman who attended her pregnant daughter’s, sister’s, or friend’s delivery? The word was a corruption of “god-sib” or “god-sibling,” meaning “sister in the Lord.” The gossips offered emotional and physical support to mother and midwife. It was only later that the term took on a derogatory meaning.

This remarkably detailed wax anatomical model (c.1787) is now housed at the Javier Puerta Museum.

#HistMed #Histodons #DYK #TIL #SciArt #Midwife

@spladayum boosted

@DrLindseyFitzharris yes! It was related to the Churching ceremonies. Being a godsibling/gossip was analogous to being a godparent.

@spladayum boosted

Our podcast explains the role of the German company IG Farbenindustrie in the expansion of Auschwitz, creation of Birkenau & why in March 1942 the concentration camp became also an extermination center for Jewish people. Listen here:

#Auschwitz history #podcast #Holocaust #Shoah #education #listen #Jews #histodons @histodons @educationecon

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@spladayum boosted

Computer science pioneer and United States Navy rear admiral Grace Hopper was born #OTD in 1906.

As far as I’m aware, she is the only person who has both a supercomputer and a US Navy destroyer named after her.

Image: Computer History Museum

@spladayum boosted


I have the feeling, the black week season is not very much used by the music industry. Nothing new for weeks. At least this week, the Crosses EP came out. Here's the opener from the super group with Chino Moreno.

@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted

When trying to process how to feel about #BrittneyGriner, here are 3 facts that aren't in dispute...

1. #BrittneyGriner is indisputably NOT a US spy

2. #BrittneyGriner IS an US citizen

3.#BrittneyGriner's sentence WAS more harsh/longer than given for similar offense in Russia


@spladayum boosted

Brittney Griner 

🤔 I can't remember any other prisoner exchange, hostage exchange, or POW exchange involving a US woman prisoner where there was this much negative sentiment of "It was her own fault!" or "But at what cost?"

No, I'm not interested in hearing theories or excuses as to why this might be.


@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted

NGL: Yoshi P getting on main and saying Black people can't be in FF XVI because of "historical accuracy" has me very not interested in this trailer.

My dude you said I don't belong there so why the fuck would I give you my money? #GamesAwards2022 #gaming #blackmastodon #BlackMastadon

@spladayum boosted

#BlackMastodon #TrevorNoah #BlackWomen #DailyShow

On his final show, Trevor Noah thanks his fans with special thanks to the Black women who have shaped his life.

"If you truly want to learn about America, talk to Black women because unlike everybody else, Black women can't afford to fuck around and find out."

@spladayum boosted


I'm at the Exoratorium. #Exploratorium.

Slightly schnockered. Geeking out.
I asked a volcano scientist lots of stupid questions. I learned what a caldera us. Is.

This is amazing. I love it.

The DJ has a flute.


@spladayum boosted
@spladayum boosted

Every social movement & every culture can be judged by the behavior of the people in it.

A constant struggle for group organizers & leaders is managing group norms of behavior. It is our own responsibility to create & maintain our values.

I believe in justice & won't look away.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.