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Lemmy, alışmakta en az sorun yaşadığım Fediverse yazılımı olabilir. Arayüzü olsun topluluğu olsun direkt içine çekti beni. Yerel içerik hiç görmedim ama globalde çok başarılı bir iş olduğunu kanıtladı şimdiden.

Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

A wave of new users is coming to #MakerTube because of #youtube began rolling out ad-block blocker everywhere. That is lovely, a warm welcome!

This also means a lot more resources are needed to handle the load. People are importing their whole youtube catalog and I needed to bring up a serious amount of resources which cost time and money.

If you want to keep MakerTube open and healthy please consider donating, see here for options

Every penny counts!


Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted
Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

@darth Like i said if you don't need more gigs faster ram would be smarter and will be more benefitial.

@darth If you are not do rendering i don't think 32gb is necessary.

Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted
Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

In case folks aren't aware, the Internet Archive now has a scholar version with a huge collection of academic work available.

#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academic #education #open Öyle zaten o yüzden daha çok sinirimi bozuyor bu durum ama yapacak bir şey yok maalesef.

Activision, deli bir zamla bütün oyunlarının fiyatlarını güncelledi. 12 yıllık MW3 1040tl.

Teşekkürler Türkiyem

FOSS was and will always be backbone of the technology.

Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted
Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

@deannapizzuti I wish they banned or cut the access to site to make him scared. He won't care these type of treatments.

RoboCop : Rogue City fena olmayan bir oyun gibi duruyor. Performans sorunlarını çözerlerse RoboCop fanları için eğlenceli bir iş olabilir.

Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

This sucks so much. I kept telling numerous people " #discord is NOT a forum, it is an IRC app, stop building your communities in it around stuff that needs to be found with a search engine and archived, it's a bad idea for numerous reasons including the overpopulation of server topics in an app that has a 100 server limit" but nobody listened. I hate being right.

We're about to have yet ANOTHER internet library of alexandria situation assuming this shit retroactively applies to existing stuff.

Sincap :chaos_emerald_3: boosted

@thomasfuchs What next ? Crybaby CEO removes signing in ?

@rolle I noticed this for a while and it's so annoying. Rich crybaby doesn't let you use app without an account.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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