Here is my new video about YouTube's recent decision to not allow expose videos to be on their site under the guise of stopping "interference" with the 2020 election. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#youtube #censorship #electioninterference #bitchuteforever #alttech
Here is my new video where I respond to Von Helton's claim that the Dead Sea scrolls are all forgeries by showing that the article he appealed to says the opposite. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#vonhelton #deadseascrolls #nationalgeographic #bible #apologetics
Here is my new video where I debunk Jesse Lee Peterson's heretical teaching that Jesus never claimed to be God. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I debunk the Philippians 2:5-6 objection that King James Onlyists make against modern English translations of the Bible. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I respond to a recent BBC article where the establishment reveals that they want to make most of the dystopian coronavirus response measurements a normal part of life by the year 2025. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I respond to Twitter temporarily banning all BitChute links on their site before the backlash caused them to settle for putting warning labels on all BitChute links. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach it's goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I call out Ekklesia Eugene for capitulating to the establishment and allowing them to regulate their church gatherings. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#ekklesiaeugene #capitulation #establishment #church #bitchute
Here is my new video where I respond to Truth of Jesus Christ 's failed attempt to prove that young earth creationism is not a salvation issue. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#truthofjesuschrist #youngearthcreationism #salvation #apologetics #bitchute
Here is my new video where I discuss the massive persecution of Christians and the Biblical worldview being carried out by the Far-Left hate mob. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I respond to Truth of Jesus Christ admitting in a recent video that he is a Nazi. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#truthofjesuschrist #nationalsocialism #nazism #exposed #bitchute
Here is my new video exposing the hit piece on BitChute put out by the far left group Hope Not Hate. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel, and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I respond to a recent Forbes article that claims that we are too stupid to do our own research on scientific topics, and we must blindly believe whatever the establishment tells us about scientific topics. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#forbes #science #establishment #doyourownresearch #bitchute
Here is my new video where I analyze a new hate crime bill in Scotland that could criminalize the ownership of and quoting from the Bible if passed. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is the first ever BitChute societal round table podcast, where DuckHK, SeekingTheTruth, and I discuss controversial topics such as Coronavirus, the rioting and looting in various US cities, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, Tech Censorship, Alt Tech, and the 2020 US Presidential elections. If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe to my BitChute channel as well as theirs!
#bitchutesocietalroundtable #duckhk #seekingthetruth #alttech #bitchuteforever
Here is my new upload, which is a 2018 sermon by my friend Dr. Jim Jenkins about abortion and how it's merely a repackaged version of Molech worship. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel, and check out Jim's Jude 3 Fellowship ministry!
Here is my new BitChute exclusive where I celebrate the two year anniversary of when I left YouTube for BitChute by reflecting on the growth that has taken place on my channel since then. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new video where I debunk the King James Onlyist objection regarding Matthew 5:22. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
#kingjamesonlyism #kingjamesonlyists #debunked #bible #apologetics
Here is my new video where I discuss a new study from the NIH that shows that 5G can create Coronavirus within human cells. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is the replay of yesterday's episode of The TTOR Show, where I interviewed the founder of a Twitter-Facebook alternative called Mumblit. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of 2,500 subscribers on BitChute.
Here is my new upload archiving a classic David Wood video from 2012 where he examines the historical, immediate, and extended literary contexts to prove that Surah 9:29 means exactly what it says. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel as well as David's.
"Truth: The Objective Reality" is a Christian Apologetics ministry that is dedicated to proving that the Biblical worldview is 100 percent accurate.