Looking forward to participating in the Genetics Otago Symposium for the next few days. #DunedinSabbatical
I do not like that site of birds
I do not like its awful words
I do not like what it became
I do not like its cult of shame
I do not like intrusive ads
I do not like the vapid fads
I do not like the clout it’s given
I do not like its algorithm
But I shall miss that weird bird town
I do not like it burning down
RT @ScienceVancity
.@BCCancer scientists want to help decision-makers better understand which cancer treatments should be offered to patients.
"Our goal is to achieve timely patient access to #PrecisionOncology that improves population health,” says Dr. @DeanRegier.
You just pin your last tweet, Pete,
Request your archive, Clive,
You don’t need a blue tick, Vic,
Just get yourself free.
Hop on the tusk, Gus,
You don’t need to delete much,
Except your DMs, Jen,
And get yourself free.
Use Debirdify, Di,
Provide some alt tags, Mags,
Add a content warning, Tim,
To post sensitively.
Remember to boost, Ruth
You don't need to deny truth,
Just drop off the perch, Dirk,
And get yourself free.
#VerseThurday #TwitterMigration #FediTips
Look like a great book to start with single-cell data analysis
RT @fabian_theis@twitter.com
1/n Single-cell data analysis is complex with many tools to choose from - but which ones work best and should be used when? Led by @lukasheumos@twitter.com and @AnnaCSchaar@twitter.com, we wrote a free online book that aims to guide single-cell data analysts: https://sc-best-practices.org
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fabian_theis/status/1595810545365565447
Loving the exploration of NZ wines. This Clearview semillon from Hawke's Bay is great. #DunedinSabbatical
Looking forward to @mace_peter presentation. Learning more about great research at. U.Otago. #DunedinSabbatical
RT @RNA_Life
Since Twitter HQ is melting down, and #tweep engineers are starting to migrate. Consider putting those amazing dev skills to advancing science. Creativity, passion and freedom to pursue your ideas in #bioinformatics. #TwitterLayoffs. https://twitter.com/jobRxiv/status/1593344742447890432
RT @MatthiasGoerges
Dr. J. Quetzalcóatl Toledo-Marín speaking about his experience with Diabetes Risk Score Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks at #VDRD2022 #MachineLearning #T1D #VanDiabetes @BCCHresearch @BCCH_DHILab https://twitter.com/JimJohnsonSci/status/1593369597268602880
RT @MatthiasGoerges
Dr. @ShazhanAmed describing her team's experience with TrustSphere: a secure connection to health for paediatric T1D at #DigitalHealthWeek #T1D #DigitalHealth #DataSharing @BCCHresearch @WomensResearch @UBCmedicine @DTSupercluster https://www.bcchr.ca/TrustSphere
Bioinformatics enthusiast, UBC professor, BC Children's Hospital scientist, He/Him