Having one's paper rejected by reviewer 2 is always a painful experience. Fortunately, this time, reviewer 1 made my day:
- Reviewer 2: "I am doing a quick turn around on this ms because I do not believe the data are of sufficient interest or significance to merit publication. I wish I could offer a way to salvage the paper."
- Reviewer 1: "Above all I should admit really appreciating the work presented, ranking it as the most interesting I have read over the last few years. Clearly predefined hypotheses; statistical analyses defined prior to data collection; easy access to all data and software; modelling of the empirical observations; and a measurement paradigm novel to our field: the MS has all the ingredients one expects in high quality research. Hence I take the opportunity to thank and congratulate the authors with their work."
#academicmastodon #academicChatter @academicchatter #Reviewer2 #Reviewer2MustBeStopped
Today marks the start of Women's History Month - let's celebrate the amazing contributions of women!
Art by: Karen Hallion
Two excellent, in-depth guides to Mastodon, which should answer many of your questions, are here:
1. An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon by joyeusenoelle: https://github.com/joyeusenoelle/GuideToMastodon
2. Nikodemus' Guide to Mastodon: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D9gfeKg_-hlsU66R-dLEvUeyMsqEfyIx2pnfUeX0t_E/edit#heading=h.j95atvlbfrn5
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La ciudad de los 15 minutos son entornos municipales que persiguen que la ciudadanía tenga todo lo que necesita a 15 minutos o menos de casa y, por tanto, no dependa de un vehículo motorizado (aunque pueda poseerlo).
El concepto lo bautiza el urbanista colombiano Carlos Moreno, catedrático en la Universidad París 1 Panteón-Sorbona, en 2016. Es conocido por asesorar a la dos veces elegida alcaldesa parisina Anne Hidalgo.
En 2020, el concepto fue adoptado por el Grupo Liderazgo Climático C40, constituido por urbes de todo el planeta, como modelo a seguir dentro de la crisis climática, persiguiendo un modelo urbano policéntrico.
When it comes to the #ClimateCrisis, it's not the human population that's the issue. The issue is how the population lives.
The average American emits more CO₂ in one week than an average person in low-income countries does in one year.