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“Conquer anger with non-anger. Conquer badness with goodness. Conquer meanness with generosity. Conquer dishonesty with truth.” The Buddha

LIMITATION. Success. Galling limitation must not be persevered in. APPROACH has supreme success. Perseverance furthers. When the eighth month comes, There will be misfortune.

Mtshah: that evil which is hidden in a person's heart or disposition, pent-up faults, secret sins; and hence irritation and suppressed wrath.

“Give, even if you only have a little.”

MODESTY creates success. The superior man carries things through. DELIVERANCE. The southwest furthers. If there is no longer anything where one has to go, Return brings good fortune. If there is still something where one has to go, Hastening brings good fortune.

“If they are neither traceable in the Discourses nor verifiable by the Discipline, one must conclude thus: ‘Certainly, this is not the Blessed One’s utterance’“ The Buddha

“‘All conditioned things are impermanent’ — when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.” The Buddha

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