85 years ago.
In April 1938, Guy Callendar published his seminal paper showing that Earth’s land areas had warmed over the previous 50 years.
He also suggested that man-made CO₂ emissions had caused around half of the observed warming.
85 years ago.
Navigational Warnings for the inaugural launch of SpaxeX's STARSHIP have appeared, with a window from April 6 to 12.
They indicate a ~26.3 degree inclined orbit. Read more in my blogpost here:
@tortoc Muss ich auch noch rein. Sag mir dann, wie er war
@tortoc Hab gerade das selbe gedacht. Vielleicht bewegen wir uns ja beide mit relativistischen Geschwindigkeiten durch die Raumzeit! XD
Just read an article about chatgpt "lying" about someone being dead and it's like "I asked it for the link to the obituary but it doubled down on the lie and provided a fake link instead" and I'm begging people to understand that it's a statistical model, it doesn't know it's lying so it can't "double down". The statistically probably answer to "where is the link" is not "I'm sorry I made it all up", it's a link. It doesn't even know what a link is, it just knows vaguely what one looks like so you're basically asking it "generate a plausible looking link to an obituary in the guardian" and it did
The AI isn't malevolent, it's just NOT AI
@tortoc Normalerweise geb ich dir ja bei so Zeug Recht aber das Verbot von Verbrennern ist mehr als nötig. Da geht es ja nicht um Privatpersonen, denen was verboten wird sondern um eine Industrie, die bekannt dafür ist, jedes noch so kleine Schlupfloch auszunutzen um auf Kosten des Klimas Profit zu machen.
Electrical Engineer | Environmentalist | Outdoor Enthusiast | Maker | DE/EN/SV