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Wollte gerade zur Arbeit fahren aber jetzt fährt da so ein scheiß Traktor im Schneckentempo in dem Kreisverkehr vor meinem Haus und blockiert den gesamten Verkehr

It's almost christmas and while I got Wham'd pretty early this year, I haven't yet been hit by the Folgers incest commercial. The small mercies...

Tobbit boosted

Meine Tochter war beim Frühstück sehr sarkastisch am Start als wir über Klimaschutz, Autos und dergleichen lästerten … ihren Spruch musste ich dann zu einem "Plakat" für die sog. #fdp basteln.

Saw an owl in the wild for the first time yesterday and that high will last till chirstmas

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I hope everyone is following that #Tesla sympathy strike in Scandinavia because it’s getting even better by the day.

Norwegian unions have now joined Swedish and Danish ones.

The Danish pension fund has announced its going to dump it’s Tesla shares.

Finnish unions are talking about joining.

And now this:

There is something so profound about walking in a snowed-in forest when it's dark and no one is around and one light is enough to light up the whole are and all sounds get swallowed and the air smells of nothing except cold.

I will never stop promoting this channel because not only do you get consistently informative, new and well-researched stories. Once every year or so, he just drops a banger like this

Just stumbled over this Huxley quote. Feels relevant

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people that they will have a chance of maltreating someone. [...] To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

Maybe people like post apocalyptic scenarios so much because they are optimistic. After all, the existence of a post apocalypse implies that we survived the apocalypse. Which might be a comfort in today's pre-apocalyptic times.

Manowar: "We alone are fighting for metal that is true!"

So just to put that in context: This means that there is a 99.99966% chance that our oceans are fucked.

So recently, our D&D party defeated a (slightly homebrewed) ancient black dragon and I think I finally understand the appeal of high level combat in D&D.
The fight stretched over 3 sessions, we needed an absurd amount of healing to stay alive and the first two sessions it looked like a really close call. But by the end of the third session, everyone could pull about 2/3 of all available stops and the dragon was feebleminded and effectively stun locked.

Probably the best D&D fight I have been part of. You can't really get that feeling of accomplishment at low levels where few battles last longer than a few rounds. But I could easily see it going the other way with a less competent DM since it's really hard to balance fights on such a scale.

Can someone please hack an electric car and replace the fake motor noises it makes with the bass-boosted Thomas the Tank Engine Song?

"It is known that money doesn't grow on lawns
And one can't eat it either but it does burns well.
So we burn the wheat and the turnips and the corn
And if we keep on burning it, the hat shall burn"

-Ancient German Proverb

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Recht auf Reparatur wird ausgeweitet

Der Binnenmarkt-Ausschuss im EU-Parlament hat ein starkes Votum für Verbraucherrechte abgegeben, das einen nachhaltigeren Umgang mit​ Geräten unterstützt.​

#DDrucker #Nachhaltigkeit #Reparatur #news

Hat die Wagenknecht ihre Partei echt "Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht" genannt? Wow, sehr kreativ....
Sie hätte immerhin sowas wie "Sarahs Einheitspartei Deutschland" oder so.

Me, watching Yuru Camp for the 8394th time: I should really do a short, chill camping trip this winter

Me, looking at the state of German campgrounds: Nah, fuck that shit

Tobbit boosted

"Goofy" ist Jugendwort des Jahres

Der Begriff "goofy" ist das Jugendwort des Jahres 2023. Das Wort, das für einen tollpatschigen oder albernen Menschen steht, erhielt in einem Onlinewahlverfahren unter Jugendlichen rund 39 Prozent der Stimmen.


#Jugendwort #Goofy

Bro the new Mario game looks like the devs took "Mushroom Kingdom" a bit too literally.

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