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Auch das Team Öffentlichkeitsarbeit heißt Sie herzlich willkommen auf dem offiziellen Account des BfDI. Wir werden Sie zukünftig mit aktuellen Informationen rund um den BfDI und die Themen Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit versorgen. Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit Ihnen. / ÖA

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Basti boosted

Yo so how much @PixelFed is alive? I see on github that it's basically developed by one persistent person..
💽 I want to host my first fedi instance and wondering between #pleroma and #Pixelfed. Must admin I prefer more images then talk in my social feed. Yet it seems Pleroma is way more active, and I can post pictures too; except without the #instagram 3x3 grid layout. Thoughts?

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Basti boosted

As the CEO of "Conny Duck's late night hacking sessions™" I am proud to announce the newest fediverse app: #Pixelcat #meow

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Are you already exciting about what we'll announce at the Nextcloud Conference this Saturday? You can still grab a ticket! #teaser

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I'm slowly realising it would be advantageous to distinguish between community users and companies.

Since I tend to browse the local tab way more than on something like Twitter, what amounts to ads are passed like normal comments and I'm wary of a future where the local tab won't be all that interesting, if Mastodon continues to grow like that.

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Basti boosted
Basti boosted

Since one week my Android app "Nextcloud Cookbook" is in the F-Droid main repository

And a new release 1.3.0 is on the way.

#nextcloud #cookbook #Android #dev

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Seit einer Woche ist meine Android-App "Nextcloud Cookbook" im F-Droid Hauptrepository

Und ein Update (1.3.0) ist auf dem Weg und wird hoffentlich bald verfügbar sein.

#nextcloud #cookbook #Android #dev

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Basti boosted
Which of these messaging services do you actively use?
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Basti boosted

#Tusky 12.1 is out with a new setting to remove the top app bar, bug fixes and improved translations!
Thx to everyone reporting bugs and translating the app 💙

@0hlov3 @wolf Also mein Eindruck ist, dass für reines konsumieren ein Account bei einem beliebigen Dienst völlig ausreicht. Sollte man jetzt aber anfangen, Videos hochladen zu wollen und vielleicht einen richtigen Blog schreiben, würde man sich schon jeweils einen neuen Account bei der jeweiligen Plattform machen.

@ConnyDuck Is it possible to hide the bottom navigation bar while scrolling up? Similar to how the top one and scrolling down works?
Or maybe let it work exactly like the top one only when scrolling down, I don't know.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.