@admin @ct_bergstrom It's still possible to ask chatgpt questions that make it "babble randomly" - confidently and convincingly, but still fundamentally wrong.
@jimdonegan Great video! Not entirely recommended for RNA biologists though. 😅
Today in 1920, 103 years ago: About 75% of the population in Zone I votes to join Denmark in the 1920 Schleswig plebiscites.
@mok0 I fravær af en arving tilfalder al ejendom staten. Med den her regel ville man stadig kunne vælge at testamentere sine organer, hvis man ikke ønskede staten skulle råde over dem.
@mok0 Når man er død, ejer man ikke længere noget. Det her er bare en regel, som så mange andre, om hvem der arver hvad. Ens slægtninge har normalt ikke brug for at arve ens organer, så hvorfor ikke give dem til nogen der har brug for dem.
@anderspuck @icecubesapp@mastodon.cloud Apple did their best to reject it, glad to see they finally relented. https://daringfireball.net/2023/01/ice_cubes_app_store_limbo
I've been speaking and writing lately about how tech companies try to shift the discussion on misinformation polarization, etc., away from the systems and structures that are inherently toxic and toward questions of individual behavior.
This way they can blame their own users for the any pathology and steer clear of calls for systemic change.
Today Elon Musk has come through with a perfect illustration for my future talks.
@videnskabdk Jeg tror sagtens I kan linke alle jeres artikler her. Jeg ville i hvert fald ikke klage. :)
@d_run Personally I think chain terminators are pretty awesomely named too.
@LarsClausen @anderspuck Øremærkning betyder bare ikke særligt meget, når du hælder en håndfuld milliarder ned i en gryde på mange hundrede milliarder, og så tager en håndfuld milliarder op et andet sted. Det hele er blandet sammen undervejs.
@videnskabdk Er der en chance for, at I kunne sætte en bot til at crossposte jeres indlæg fra fugle-sitet til mastodon? F.eks. med https://moa.party/ #dkvid #twexit #TwitterMigration
Please RT!
We are looking to fill two #postdoc #positions at Aarhus University in lovely Denmark.
Postdoc in #muscle #cellbiology and #cardiovascular #research
Postdoc in #muscle #cellbiology and #proteinturnover
Deadline: Jan 16, 2023.
Fantastic working and living environment! Affordable housing & childcare and great standard of living!
Check out our lab website:
& contact me directly for questions.
@tormeh Power-to-X (P2X) is the main puzzle piece missing in your description. But clearly there's a lot of work left in bringing that idea to life, we haven't even fully settled on what kinds of X we'll be relying on.
But pilot-project P2X plants are now being built, with serious grid-scale P2X facilities being planned for the near future. We can get there if we decide to commit. We'll need more politicians who are willing to take action during their term in office, not "5 years after I retire, we suddenly stop emitting CO2."
@anderspuck @mok0 @kimwulff@mstdn.dk Vel meget naturligt, når ZSU/Ukraine er født ind i en tradition fokuseret på artilleri, mens Vesten i stedet har fokuseret på luftvåbnet. Bare lidt ærgerligt at vi har besluttet os for ikke at støtte Ukraine med det der er vores måske største styrke.
Studying circular RNA function