Useful piece by Justin Weinberg at the Daily Nous (@DailyNous) on good uses of #ChatGPT for academics. I was not aware of readers that can summarize PDFs _and_ point out the source of particular points in the summary in the original. That's interesting.
ChatGPT, Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Education - Ditch That Textbook #AI #ChatGPT #EdTech #Edutooters | @edutooters @rickweinberg @tclarkeee
My #ReadingBetweenTheLines of Google's live presentation in Paris yesterday.
It's not about a head-to-head between Bard and Bing at all. The battleground will be data, integration, and Augmented Reality everywhere. Also, find an interesting implicit take on copyright: "interpretation".
Looking at all this, I can't shake the feeling that we did not want AI powered search after all, but ...
#SentientSyllabus #ChatGPT #HigherEd #AI #AR #AugmentedReality #Bard #Bing
Has anybody else noticed & pointed out that one of Bing's new #ChatGPT demos that actually includes citations is lying as to what that sources say?
This is the sample prompt we get for "summary" - about Roman history for a 10 year old.
It links to sources for specific claims.
Yet when I look up many of these claims on those pages... they aren't there.
There's a lot to digest in this post, but I want to highlight the section on Lance Eaton's development plan (Temporary Policy, Sharing it with students, Sharing it with faculty) for preparing to craft policy/approach to ChatGPT with the help of his students and the What's Next? webinars... #ChatGPT #HigherEd #HigherEducation #Academia #CollegeStudents #UniversityStudents #Learnin #Education #Policy #Ethics #AcademicIntegrity #AcademicDishonesty #InstitutionalPolicy
Going to watch Google present "Bard" #AI #Google #ChatGPT #LLM
"A boat sailing on an ocean while birds fly across the sun peeking through clouds in the background"
Rectangles, lines and arcs on <canvas>
ChatGPT 2023
Trying to get the issue of academic misconduct right leads to a lot questioning.
I just posted an analysis on generated (AI) writing over at #SentientSyllabus:
Mey key point is that we need a principled and deep understanding of academic integrity, and that can be provided by a commitment to truth. Accordingly the source of misconduct is "deceit", and not the nature of the text itself. We need to keep in mind however, that we are unlikely to be able to detect all such deceit. Therefore we need to build a collaborative framework of education. Creating an academic work ought to be as enjoyable as writing your own diary.
#ChatGPT #AI #Education #HigherEd #University #Academia #AcademicIntegrity
ChatGPT's Responses to Ten Unanswerable Questions #ChatGPT #philosophy #religion
Informative Linksammlung zum Einsatz von ChatGPT in der Hochschullehre
GPT 3.5 is already a fossil. This does a significantly better job with less compute: Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models
We're in Nature with an opinion piece on how researchers should respond to #ChatGPT and conversational AI technology more generally!
It's been an interesting experience to reach consensus in an interdisciplinary team of scholars (2 psychologists, 1 computer scientist, 1 philosopher and me, an NLP-er).
We list 5 priorities:
1. Hold on to human verification
2. Develop rules for accountability
3. Invest in truly open LLMs
4. Embrace the benefits of AI
5. Widen the debate
Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass ein neues digitales Tool so schnell von Schüler:innen und Lehrer:innen wahrgenommen und getestet und besprochen wurde, wie das bei #chatGPT gerade passiert.
Zwar gehe ich nicht davon aus, dass genau _dieses_ Tool alles verändern wird, aber es steht für ein neues Konzept, dessen disruptives Potential sehr schnell einleuchtet. Dieses _Konzept_ (Nutzung von Sprachmodellen für die Erstellung von Texten, das Programmieren etc.) ist das eigentlich Spannende.#fedilz
‘Understanding and Regulating ChatGPT, and Other Large Generative AI Models’, Hacker, Engels & List. Some sensible proposals. #law #eu #aiact #dsa #ai #tech #freedomofspeech #chatgpt
Dissociating language and thought in large language models: a cognitive perspective. ~ Kyle Mahowald, Anna A. Ivanova, Idan A. Blank, Nancy Kanwisher, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Evelina Fedorenko. #AI #LLMs #ChatGPT
I also want to be abundantly clear: this tool is NOT USEFUL FOR DETECTING STUDENT CHEATING.
Using the specificity/sensitivity published in the blog post, if 5% of students in a class are actually using AI to complete an assignment, then an assignment flagged by this tool as AI has about an 87% chance of NOT being written by AI. Almost 9 times out of 10, this tool would falsely accuse a student of cheating.
Many comments are posted on OpenAI's work towards a classifier that distinguishes generated text from human written text. According to OpenAI's own announcement (a) input texts were not taken from an adversarial source, i.e. no deliberate attempts were made to obfuscate AI authorship; (b) there was a false positive rate of 9%, i.e. for 9% of the texts the tool evaluated a human written text as being AI generated.
These two points make the tool currently unfit for an academic misconduct allegation, where the false positive rate has to be practically indistinguishable from zero, and where efforts to obscure the authorship will be encountered.
Indeed, there is a short video in a response to OpenAI's tweet, in which a researcher copies ChatGPT output, runs it through GPT-3 – and the AI author is no longer recognized.
Also, the true positive rate of only 26% (i.e. what fraction of AI generated text was recognized as not having a human author) is rather sobering. Though this is hardly surprising: AI generated text is optimized to appear natural.
I touch on the topic in previous analyses at – and misconduct will be the focus of the next newsletter at
#SentientSyllabus #ChatGPT #HigherEd #AI #Education #Plagiarism
I'm really disappointed the Western Australian Department of Education has banned #ChatGPT in schools. I'm angry enough to have written a post explaining why this is a terrible idea and actually hurts our kids:
Have you read that "20 uses of #chatGPT you never thought of" article on Medium? Well, forget about it. AI expert @albertoromero names five areas where the AI really excels.