Some operations didn't hear about Avian flu destruction. 35cents an egg is lowest price in local groceries, except my Latinx grocer, where it's 11cents an egg. How are these chain stores still charging 3x plus? Wholesale prices expected to be 8cents. There's no limit on a chain store markup. What are you paying?
Doublecheck your retail charges.Three different retail stores overcharging me because of wrong prices in register. Price tags missing on inventory even after flagging it to mgt. Hnaught: Retail stores use modern inventory control which updates retail price catalog as inflated prices collapse and inventory bloats.
USA #SupplyChain appears healthier lately, but it's not showing up in prices or efficiency. Stores got more eggs to stack in the bin. Retailers show more inventory. Packages move through DHL, UPS and merge with USPS in a straighter line, but unexplained delays still suck the life out plan fruition. Not helping me is the corporate takeover of Pet Vet clinics/hospitals. Not lowering my costs is #CorporateTakeover of the #NortheastHousingMarket. Robbing me of repair parts is the chain-making of individual mom&pop automobile salvage yards. Local value is trapped, up-sold to me or carted away to be sold in a pricier market. How are you doing out there?
BBCNews, NYTimes, DWNews. AlJazeera might want to get on the Fediverse. It's astonishing that they haven't even started a breaking news - headline on the refinery, military complex attacks. Birdsite is lame now. Very excited for new Mastodon DevOps. When are the major news platforms going to realize the changeover?
Not sure what to make of Deja Vu except maybe get a new battery for your $13 blood oxygen sensor. Big box inventory has adopted the less is more Melania riff, pre-Xma$. What you thought was the downtown air bnb all booked up is your cash-strapped ICU. And, Cousin? Bivalent Boost is not a new sport drink. I can't do this E ticket ride again my friends. We got to step it up again, or we going back.
International science effort to save the planet gets Cro-Magnon coverage from major media. Internets to the rescue! Fusion by the Livermore Rockstars.
Making cake, taking chances, saving the planet.