RT @thehill
Nike's online sales have surged since Kaepernick ad was revealed: report http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/405633-nikes-online-sales-surge-after-kaepernick-ads-revealed-report
RT @RonPaulInstitut
One Year After Calling Idlib 'Al Qaeda’s Largest Safe Haven Since 9/11,' the US Govt is Trying to Save it
RT @thehill
Trump: Good relations with Japan will end once "I tell them how much they have to pay” http://thehill.com/policy/finance/405444-trump-touts-good-relations-with-japan-until-i-tell-them-how-much-they-have-to
I don't have a jingoistic, religious or political agenda, as these are the control mediums the 'System' uses to program our behavior, thoughts & actions