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Wir freuen uns sehr über die Förderung einer #openaccess Publikation zum Thema "Life Narrative and the Digital" im Rahmen von #DigitalBio2023 aus Mitteln des DHd-Publikationsfonds.

Vielen Dank, @DHd! 🙌

Back here at #CVL Smart Room #3D Lab at @tu_wien for #PhotometricStereo reconstruction of indented typewriter impressions in the surfaces of #WHAuden's papers.

Did the poet use the typewriter also for first drafts of lines of poetry? 👀

#ComputerVision #AustrianAuden

@ACDHCH_OeAW @oeaw @fwf

As part of our editorial work, we contribute to the #Wiki community, updating @wikipedia articles and creating relevant @wikidata items.

(A special note of thanks to @f46906169 for pointing us in this direction.)

@fwf @oeaw @fwf #AustrianAuden

Thank you @dta_cthomas! Yes, we will use <foreign> to mark the range of German being used in an Enlish-language context (as you suggest). We have seen <note> being used for translation as well as custom (project-specific) attributes. We sought to explore the full range of solutions among the #TEI community (solutions that we might have overlooked) but haven't found much variation so far.
Thank you again for pointing out <foreign> and <note> to us! v0.5.0 will be (pre-)released 2023/12/15 🥳

@AMP_OeAW ok, I see.

What do you have so far? There was nothing yet in the #TEI download.

Would simply adding a `<note type="editorial" subtype="translation">` be sufficient? Or do you e.g. need to mark the range of the translation in the base text (which would be done in principle by the `<foreign>` tag already)?

However, we're still looking for alternative versions of encoding translations (such as in attributes).

Thank you!
"Christmas ,especially" attempts to diplomatically transcribe the manuscript evidence. (On the UI, there will be regularized and diplomatic versions, eventually.)
In our dev branch, we are using the <foreign> element to indicate language use. However, we are still pondering options to mark up the translation of German words and phrases into English (for English-language users) ...

"It was sweet of you to think of me at Christmas, especially since it's a little einsam here" (#WHAuden,

How mark up translation of "einsam" in #XML #TEI? 🤔🤓


Ab heute im offiziellen Vollbetrieb: Wir setzen als Kommunikationsteam weiter verstärkt auf unsere Präsenz hier auf Mastodon. Mit der Etablierung einer eigenen Instanz wollen wir einen Beitrag zur positiven Entwicklung des #Fediverse leisten.
Unser Engagement auf der Plattform X schränken wir damit (noch) weiter ein.

Organisationseinheiten der Uni Innsbruck sind eingeladen, die Instanz zu nutzen!

Alle Details und Beratung:

#wisskomm #foss

NFDI Consortia with Mastodon accounts 🐘 :

DataPLANT: @nfdi4plants
FAIRagro: @FAIRagro
GHGA: @ghga
KonsortSWD: @konsortswd
NFDI4Culture: @nfdi4culture
NFDI4DataScience: @NFDI4DS
NFDI4Earth: @nfdi4earth
NFDI4Health: @nfdi4health
NFDI4Immuno: @nfdi4immuno
NFDI4Ing: @nfdi4ing
NFDI4Microbiota: @NFDI4Microbiota
NFDIxCS: @nfdixcs
PUNCH4NFDI: @punch4nfdi
Text+: @Textplus

@AMP_OeAW @stefandumont @type @ps_tadler
Thank you for the very interesting discussion, which sounds very familiar. In the #Propyläen project, we also often struggle with the different ways of understanding the type values and how to use them best within #CMIF. As @dta_cthomas mentioned in the TEI-SIG Correspondence, we are preparing a CMIF Github issue on this topic. Hope to see you there ;)

Kaiserin Elisabeth war eine begeisterte Anhängerin antiker griechischer Kultur. In Freiherr von Warsberg fand sie einen Seelenverwandten, mit dem sie ihre Ansichten und Gedanken darüber teilen konnte, nachzulesen in der #BiographieDesMonats✍️H. Bergmann:

Gratulation an Kollegin Nina C. Rastinger, die gestern in feierlichem Rahmen offiziell ein Doc-Stipendium der ÖAW
verliehen bekommen hat! 💐
📸: © ÖAW/Natascha Unkart

The EU Data Visualisation Guide was published last month

I wrote all the content for it, and I built the interactive publication in @sveltejs. It has 7 chapters and contains a ton of examples. You can search it for a topic, or use it as a guided course and browse from page to page. It basically condenses all I learned about data visualization in the past decade

OCR4all – Open-Source Texterkennung von der Massenprozessierung von Drucken bis zur hochqualitativen Transkription von Handschriften

Mi., 8.11., 17 – 18:30 h
Vortrag von Christian Reul via Zoom.
Ein zentraler Aspekt der Arbeit von geistes- und kultur- und humanwiss. Forscher:innen ist die Auseinandersetzung mit hist. Quellen in Form von gedruckten & handschriftl. Textzeugen.
Veranstaltungsreihe „Digital Humanities – Wie geht das?“ des Referats für Dig. Forschungsdienste.

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