#TEI Highlights of the week:
1. Workshop materials from Pedagogical Approaches to Encoding @teimec2023 available here: shorturl.at/lnvK0
2. #EncodingCultures material available here: shorturl.at/iyGW4
3. Slides for "Mind the <gap/>s: Digital Ediitng in a World in Crisis here: shorturl.at/losJO
4. Newest article 'Re-experiencing composition: meditations on digital scholarly editing at the “Melville Electronic Library”': shorturl.at/efhyC
5. "Relation3: How to relate text describing relationships with structured encoding of the relationships?" slides here: www.shorturl.at/shortener.php
An incredible conference with so many memorable talks! The space is too little here to recall them all. Keep an eye out for updates!
Am 24.-25.10. lädt das ACDH-CH zur Konferenz “Forschungen zum kulturellen Erbe im digitalen Zeitalter“ an der ÖAW in Wien. Anmeldungen sind bereits möglich! Hier gibt’s weitere Informationen: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/de/acdh/events/chda
October 24-25 the ACDH-CH will host an international conference on #CulturalHeritage research in the #digital age at the @oeaw in Vienna. Registrations are open! You can find more information here: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/acdh/events/chda
1⃣2⃣ Days till ##DigitalBio2023 🎉
Program is 🔛! https://digital-bio-2023.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/data/html/program.html 🧐
Don't forget to register (until 20 Sep) via https://pretix.eu/digitalbio/ (for both online and in-person participation)
Life Narrative and the Digital 2023
The final program is online 👉https://digital-bio-2023.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/data/html/program.html
Don't forget to register (until 20 Sep) via https://pretix.eu/digitalbio/ (for both online and in-person participation).
Spread the word!
Today, @BBCRadio4 broadcasts the first of a three-part series on #WHAuden on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the poet's death, featuring our lovely colleagues, the @AMP_OeAW project team
🔜12:30 Central European Summer Time📻
#AustrianAuden @fwf
Auden Musulin Papers on air! 🎙️ https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001qdmc
We did it!! 🎉Thank you
@TEIConsortium @teimec2023 for the excellent organization at
! 💻🙏
#DigitalHumanities #DH #DigitalEdition
@ACDH_OeAW @fwf
We are grateful for the opportunity to discuss aspects of our work at @TEIConsortium @teimec2023 at #UniversitätPaderborn. 🙌
Thank you for the wonderfully organized event! It was a great experience to meet you all.
The first part of the #HenzeDigital #digitaledition is now online. 👏
@AMP_OeAW is especially looking forward to #HansWernerHenze's correspondence w/ #WHAuden & #ChesterKallman related to their close collaboration in the 1950s-60s, during Auden's Austrian period.
Heute darf ich einen Vortrag beim "Workshop Semantic Web und Materielle Kultur" in Krems halten. Es geht um Semantic Web, Edition, DEPCHA und GPT.
Slides: https://tinyurl.com/44e2r9yn
Yoohoo I cannot wait to attend it!
🎮 #DigitalBio2023 will feature a panel on Life Narrative & #GameStudies, chaired by @eugen_pfister, w/ papers by @M_M_R_21, Lisa Ingermann, & Felix Tenhaef.
All participants get a discount for the Vienna #RetroGamingMuseum: https://gamingmuseum.at
We are thrilled to be invited to participate in Panel Session 1: Materiality in Editions of 20th-Century Paperbound Correspondence 🔜 https://teimec2023.uni-paderborn.de/contributions/116.html
So looking forward to meeting you all at @teimec2023! 🙌
@ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf @TEIConsortium
#AustrianAuden #AudenMusulinPapers
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die Ergebnisse unserer Zusammenarbeit mit dem #ComputerVisionLab der #TUWien
auf so großes Interesse stoßen. 📽️🎙️
Wir bedanken uns bei @fwf & @ACDHCH_OeAW für die Unterstützung unserer Forschung!
Excited to see that our collaboration with #ComputerVisionLab of #TUWien
meets with such great interest. 📽️🎙️
We would like to thank @fwf & @ACDHCH_OeAW for supporting our research!
#OpenAccess #DigitalHumanities #DH #AustrianAuden #AudenMusulinPapers
Do not miss #BBC's Three Faces of WH Auden - Tue, 12 Sep 2023, 11:30, #BBC Radio 4 📻
Produced by Geoff Bird, featuring Michael Symmons Roberts, with contributions by Alan Bennett, Katherine Bucknell, Carl Phillips, Zaffar Kunial & @AMP_OeAW
@ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf #AustrianAuden
Why is it so though? @teiconsortium
According to the #TEI Guidelines, the <address> element cannot contain <unclear>. 🙄
If #WHAuden had known, he would surely have made an effort when jotting down on his envelopes.
#AudenMusulinPapers #AustrianAuden @stefandumont
Researcher at ÖAW's project
Also persuing a MSc in #DigitalHumanities at AUEB
MA in linguistics
Language Lover