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"Vishal next." There's an organized mass false report campaign going on to suspend anti-fascists from Twitter. The campaign is being mounted by far-right agitators pushing outright lies. All while @elonmusk openly sympathizes with them and as far-right hate speech thrives.

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Omg, look at this chunky little cutie—known as a hummingbird fly!

It's a Lasia nigritarsis (Blanchard, 1854) observed in Teodoro Schmidt, Araucanía, Chile.

Photo by Catalina Lagos (CC BY-NC 4.0) shared via iNaturalist.

#Acroceridae #insects #flies #Chile

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Lobster Dinner.

During a workshop in the summer, here on the Isle Of Mull, I spotted that the otter we were watching had caught something in the loch, and was swimming towards the shore.

I got my clients into a position where I hoped they'd get some images, and then lay down nearby.

The otter surprised me slightly by climbing ashore right in front of me! Thank goodness for silent cameras.

#otter #lobster #mull #wildlife #guiding #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #Scotland

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Guys! Look at all these fabulous Orange Ladybirds (Halyzia sedecimguttata) I found on today's lunchtime stroll 🐞😍

#insects #wildlife #ladybirds #nature

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Twitter, Elon, trans safety 

Fuck this. This is gonna be full of people pointing to trans accounts and saying they're child safety issues. Elon is a dumb fuck but he definitely knows what he's doing here. Any trans person should probably bail on Twitter asap. And they'll probably come after any cis gays soon after too.

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This Snowy egret was perfectly framed by Spanish Moss hanging over the boat canal to Newnans Lake, known for its birds and giant alligators. Last Halloween We stopped here to photograph the full moonrise and there were swarms of twilight Darners along this same canal. In mid-November they are long gone.

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Thanks again for all the lovely comments posted on my recent images.

Today's is one of my favourites from over a decade ago, at a site run by Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, and is of a common kingfisher.

We watched this male fishing in the small lake for over an hour. Mostly he preferred diving from posts at the water's edge, but when he flew up into this willow tree, I made sure I got the shot.

#kingfisher #worcestershire #bird #photography #wildlife

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Cam Fox boosted

Pink-laced Emerald (Comostolopsis stillata), seen in Kruger National Park, South Africa, at the end of the dry season.

#moths #kruger #nature #insects

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I made Thanksgiving dinner and now the kids are crying and I'm not allowed to help anymore

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Am I the only person who thought this was a caterpillar at 1st glance?

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Firstly, I'd just like to say thank you to all the people who have liked, boosted and commented on my images, and to all the new followers I have. It's rather humbling. 😊

Today's shot comes from a magical day in the Scottish #Highlands, a few years ago, when I was photographing red squirrels.

These charming characters are incredibly agile and can jump great distances between trees.

Here I managed to capture one as it appears to be flying down my lens.

#redsquirrel #scotland #wildlife #fun

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I could stare at this Brahmin moth for hours. Specimen in the UT insect collection.

#entomology #moth #insects

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“You are old, Giovanni, an evil tycoon,
A man to beware of, in brief.
So why are your minions such talentless goons,
And such odious comic relief?”

 “Long ago,” said the villain, “I rose to this role
 By betraying my mentor and friend.
 Now I choose to be served by the hapless and droll
 So’s to not meet a similar end.”


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Thrilled for the new fancy duck lifers I got today at Arlington Reservoir. Here’s some hooded mergansers.

#birds #birding #BirdsSeenIn2022 #Massachusetts #newengland o#naturephotography #birdmastodon

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Halloween Pennant dragonflies (Celithemis eponina) are one of my favorite insects to photograph. Sometimes they allow you photograph them for hours. #dragonfly #dragonflies #Odonata #Illinois #nature #photography #wildlifephotography

Cam Fox boosted

Hey friends! I make wooden jigsaw puzzles with uniquely shaped pieces generated by code and cut by lasers. It looks like we are going to sell out early this holiday season. Please place your orders sooner rather than later! (We ran out of wood)

@akuake He's the only strings player in his (small town) cohort at school. The way it came up smells like internal motivation and a sudden readiness for a deeper voice.

My younger teen suddenly wants to learn the cello (he already plays the violin). Is this a normal sign of puberty?

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