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Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc
PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)
Corporate Media Is Owned by Few Billionaires They Lie to You Wake Up.
Vast majority in the Middle East knows (We Exclude Wahabi KSA and Takfiri and US Puppets, BNP/MKO/Fascist/Racist,... ), what majority of western audiences like Trump supporters, Conservative UK or racist European don't, because of cultivated stupidity... I don’t blame people in the west but corporate media like BBC-CNN-FOX NEWS, FR 24, ITV/CH 4-SKY-EURO NEWS, ITV- that those murdered by Trump's expeditionary forces in the last few days, were those most responsible for the destruction of the Bolton/ Saudi-inspired terrorists like ISIS / DAESH/.......
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Josh Sigurdson
@JoshSigurdson • 2h Check this out and share! BREAKING NEWS: Josh Sigurdson reports on Iran striking U.S. on bases in Iraq! ➽➜R⇢➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
Facebook Tyrant
I saw a post about remembering the US shoot down of the Iranian airliner (Iran Air Flight 655) in 1988, and Facebook had a flag warning that it was "fake news" MOUTHPIECE OF Pentagon
Facebook is a protector and preserver of the propaganda classifying IR Iran as a dangerous terrorist organization. But FB knows well, that USA is the biggest terrorist country in the world. USA invades other countries just to own their natural resources and to place them in the hands of American corporations. Facebook doesn't call that terrorism. They call it democracy. Leave FB
FB is marking this as "partly false information, checked by independent fact checkers" and then linking to some Spanish language fact checking site named "Observador" which ranks the post at the upper end of their "deceiver" scale based on the site's analysis asserting that the US in reality apologised, while ignoring the fact that all military personnel involved were decorated for their actions in taking down the plane.
The site, by the way, contains almost no information about where it is bases, how it is funded, or other information which relates to its own credibility. Conclusion: Partly false
The information in this post is a mix of true and false statements or it could simply be incomplete. In some cases, the information is misleading.
Signing order to fire 100+ cruise missiles into Syria without UNSC mandate was Trumps first undisputable war crime, so is stealing oil from Iraq another war crime?
US Uses False Flag Op to Legitimize Bombing Iraq, Syria In warfare, the False Flag is a ruse, used to legitimize the abandonment of military rules of engagement. Its name derives from ancient cheaters in nautical warfare. The Nazi Reichstag fire and the US Gulf of Tonkin are two infamous examples of false flags. The US has used false flag cover for yet another round of bombings.
On Friday, 27 December, one or more rockets were fired at an Iraqi base in Kirkuk, which hosts “Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) coalition forces,” reportedly killing one “U.S. citizen [contractor] and [which reportedly] injured four U.S. service members and two members of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).” Though not even ISIS claimed responsibility, the US declared the Iraqi Hezb Allah group and Iran’s Quds Forces — because of “linkage” –culpable.”
The US has continuously said blatantly earlier that it doesn’t want any Iraqi forces near the borders with Syria, in a clear signal to allow ISIS to resurface in that vital Tehran – Baghdad – Damascus Highway.

Barry Grossman
Just to be clear, when it comes to the Ukraine Air tragedy, the "fat lady" hasn't even begun to sing.
The fact that Iran quickly admitted inadvertently shooting down the flight and apologised without qualification, in no way implies that the event was not orchestrated by dark elements working hand and hand with the US Security Apparatus.
A number of things are starting to come to light, including US jamming operations which seem to have affected Iranian communications at a critical time, as well as a carefully planned and curiously timed operation to fly numerous F-35s through Iranian airspace, apparently calculated to make Iran's defense forces think that a US attack was imminent and therefore trigger an armed response.
The fact that the ill fated airliner's transponder was apparently completely destroyed and its departure from the filed flight plan are both matters which were well within the capabilities of hostile forces to engineer.
That US officials have been somewhat understanding and uncritical when it comes to the tragedy, apparently opting instead to politicise, even weaponize it through their proxies and the press, is also revealing.
Investigations are ongoing and time may very well present a very different picture than the one painted by the selected facts most people are being encouraged to embrace.
Comments favour V against Iran Jet Disaster Setup The 19-second video published by the New York Times last week showing the moment an Iranian missile hit a passenger jet has prompted much social media skepticism.
Questions arise about the improbable timing and circumstances of recording the precise moment when the plane was hit.
The newspaper ran the splash story on January 9, the day after a Ukrainian airliner was brought down near Tehran. It was headlined: ‘Video Shows Ukrainian Plane Being Hit Over Iran’. All 176 people onboard were killed. Two days later, the Iranian military admitted that one of its air defense units had fired at the plane in the mistaken belief that it was an incoming enemy cruise missile.
“A smoking gun” was how NY Times’ journalist Christiaan Triebert described the video in a tweet. Triebert works in the visual investigations team at the paper. In the same tweet, he thanked – “a very big shout out” – to an Iranian national by the name of Nariman Gharib “who provided it [the video] to the NY Times, and the videographer, who would like to remain anonymous”. ttps://



Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc
PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)

Corporate Media Is Owned By Few Billionaires They Lie to You Wake Up.
Vast majority in the Middle East knows (We Exclude Wahabie KSA and Takfiri and US Puppets, BNP/MKO/Fascist/Racist,... ), what majority of western audiences like Trump supporters, Conservative UK or racist European don't, because of cultivated stupidity... I don’t blame people in the west but corporate media like BBC-CNN-FOX NEWS, FR 24, ITV/CH 4-SKY-EURO NEWS, ITV- that those murdered by Trump's expeditionary forces in the last few days, were those most responsible for the destruction of the Bolton/ Saudi-inspired terrorists like ISIS / DAESH/.......
ALL In My Documents:
Also in Click on Social Websites of mine >60
Josh Sigurdson
@JoshSigurdson • 2h Check this out and share! BREAKING NEWS: Josh Sigurdson reports on Iran striking U.S. on bases in Iraq! ➽➜R⇢➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL

Facebook Tyrant
I saw a post about remembering the US shoot down of the Iranian airliner (Iran Air Flight 655) in 1988, and Facebook had a flag warning that it was "fake news" MOUTHPIECE OF Pentagon
Facebook is a protector and preserver of the propaganda classifying IR Iran as a dangerous terrorist organization. But FB knows well, that USA is the biggest terrorist country in the world. USA invades other countries just to own their natural resources and to place them in the hands of American corporations. Facebook doesn't call that terrorism. They call it democracy. Leave FB

FB is marking this as "partly false information, checked by independent fact checkers" and then linking to some Spanish language fact checking site named "Observador" which ranks the post at the upper end of their "deceiver" scale based on the site's analysis asserting that the US in reality apologised, while ignoring the fact that all military personnel involved were decorated for their actions in taking down the plane.
The site, by the way, contains almost no information about where it is bases, how it is funded, or other information which relates to its own credibility. Conclusion: Partly false
The information in this post is a mix of true and false statements or it could simply be incomplete. In some cases, the information is misleading.

Fact-check from Observador OBSERVADORFact-Check
Enganador: EUA não pediram desculpa por abaterem um avião comercial iraniano em 1988?
Publicação diz que os EUA não pediram desculpa quando abateram um avião da Iran Air. George H. W. Bush disse que nunca o faria, mas o então Presidente...
Are you curious about how Facebook works with independent fact-checking organisations? Learn more

's assassinations have galvanised parliament, which unanimously approved a bill "demanding the withdrawal of all foreign military forces led by the United States". also ends nuclear deal, after Trump's sabotage and assassinations. First reactions.

Vast majority in the Middle East knows (we exclude Wahhabi KSA and Takfiri brain-dead)- what most western audiences don't, because of cultivated stupidity... I blame not people but corporate media CNN-BBC-FOX.... - that those murdered by Trump's expeditionary forces in the last few days, were those most responsible for the destruction of the Bolton-Saudi-inspired terrorists, ISIS / DAESH/

Bad news for the world is good news for the military industrial complex.

Dr F Dejahang
Jan 4 · 4 min read

‎Joe Kelly‎ to 21SilkRd
Yesterday at 07:21
2020 the beginning of a war: “Leading the prayers this week was Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, who said the attack means “Americans around the world will never experience calm again.”
He said General Soleimani was the mastermind of the battle against the Western-backed Daesh terrorist group and the administration of US President Donald Trump will pay the price for assassinating him.
“The Americans should beware that they did not achieve victory here and rather took one more step towards annihilation,” Ayatollah Khatami said. “Today, the world and the resistance movements in Syria, Lebanon and other places are mourning Gen. Soleimani and want to avenge his blood.”
There can be no liberty when deception is the governing tool. CommonSense aims to expose misinformation.
Terror of Soleimani — What Next?
The foremost state sponsor of terror, the United States of America, carried out a brazen act of terrorism yesterday that took the life of a revered Iranian general — General Ghassem Soleimani. A man, no, a legend, who led the resistance in confronting occupation, injustice, and terrorism. The man lauded for defeating ISIS.
Heartbroken at the defeat of ISIS, the United States bombed the man who had led that defeat. Trump bombed to kill Soleimani and to save ISIS, to expand its hegemony. Trump failed. He obliterated any chance this world had for peace and he managed to plant the seed of revenge in every heart that beats for justice. Iran does not mourn alone. Make no mistake — it was not one man that was killed. It was the fragile hope of peace, of our future and that of our world that was destroyed. Trump was Iran’s 911. He forced a fate akin to 911 but vastly different.
While 911 was an inside job to justify and launch America’s violent thrust into the unsuspecting world so that it could crown itself as the global hegemon, Trump and his cadre of idiots gloated about the terror they had inflicted on the world. Too stupid to grasp the significance and the consequences of their actions. 102 (January 02) will live in infamy. The bomb that killed Soleimani will spiral the world out of control; send America into a freefall. January 02 will be remembered as the end of America’s hegemony — 102 will be inscribed on its tombstone. Tombstone of a nation that could have been great, was capable of so much good, but was instead utterly destructive until it was destroyed by the enemies within.
The bombs took out Soleimani, but they raised millions like him. Faced with the terror of one of the most popular men in Iran, and the wider Middle East, hero of men and women who sought justice, what choice is Iran left with? Does the Trump team think that the millions who mourn the man and celebrate his martyrdom will go home and weep? Cower? No.
It has already dawned on the Trump team that they have just jolted the world and they fear the shaky ground underneath them. Already, Pompeo’s gloat has turned into a whimper. Quick to contact the Russians, Iran’s allies, he told them that “the United States remains committed to de-escalation.” What he is imploring is for Russians to plead with Iran to show restraint. But no one can turn back this clock.
Team Trump has left only two choices for Iran: For Iran to hit back hard. Yes, a war with the United States will destroy Iran. But Iran would take down much of the world with it, our global village would be destroyed. Or, for Iran not to retaliate which would translate a self-destruct button by taking no action. Unlikely. No doubt, those carrying Solemani’s picture will have a say.
There is but one third way which requires the participation of all. To remove and arrest Trump and his team for precipitating WW3 — for actions that will inevitably usher in the death of millions if Americans don’t act. But unlike Iran, America lacks heroes. Trump has doomed us all. It is a matter of time — and the clock is ticking.
Posted by Soraya S Ulrich at 12:06 PM
America’s lawless arrogance has gone too far with the assassination of Iran’s top military commander. The deadly airstrike against General Qasem Soleimani was carried out on the order of President Donald Trump.
Several other senior Iranian military officials were also killed in the US missile attack on Iraq’s international airport in the capital Baghdad, including a top Iraqi militia leader.
Iranian politicians called it “an act of terrorism” and vowed harsh revenge. Meanwhile, the Iraqi prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, condemned the US violation of his country’s sovereignty. Other Iraqi leaders are demanding the immediate expulsion of US forces from the country, where they number about 5,000 troops.
Trump taunted by tweeting the American flag after the news of the assassination emerged on Friday, and he later declared that the Iranian general “should have been taken out years ago” because he allegedly was responsible for the deaths of “thousands” of US troops, according to Trump.
Certainly, Soleimani was considered an enemy by the US. He organised effective military resistance to American imperialist designs in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and elsewhere across the Middle East. For such strategising, the 62-year-old Iran-Iraq War veteran was revered, not just in his own nation, but across the region.
Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
3 hrs ·
This freaking Christian crusader gets on his knees every night waiting for Rapture. These are the people running the world. And frankly, America cannot be forgiven for allowing it all to happen.

Dr F Dejahang
Dr f Dejahang BSc CEng, BSc (Hons) Construction Mgmt, MSc, PhD SLIDE SHARE http://www.slideshare

Super massive Black Holes Birthing Stars at “Furious Rate”! How?
We have been increasingly hearing much more about black holes and their role in the cosmos.

Black holes are exotic creatures, mainly classified in two types according to their size: stellar black holes (up to tenths of solar masses) and supermassive black holes (billions of solar masses). We commonly used to believe that, independent of their size, black holes all share the same feature: they devour everything getting too close and entering their event horizon.

What happened to edit
prepare (written material) for publication by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it.
"Volume I was edited by J. Johnson"

Research Students as I don't sanction this misuse of sanction by on links weren't clickable, however, improvements are made click on links below the link>>>another link >>>go to click comes up all links are clickable.

Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc
PPTs in

SLIDESHAREInternational Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)

➽=ALLA Never-Before-Seen Event Is Collapsing an Ice Sheet in the Russian Arctic

Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation
MintPress speaks with Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy who worked closely with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, as part of their work with Israeli military intelligence and had frequent encounters with JeffreWhitney Webb MONTREAL — In recent weeks, renewed attention has been brought to the allegations that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking and sexual blackmail operation was run on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. Those claims revolve around statements made by a former Israeli military intelligence official turned public relations consultant Ari Ben-Menashe, whose allegations regarding the Epstein scandal were reported by MintPress this past October.

Einsteinian physics gives us our best understanding of the natural world, so why are we still hung up on Newton?

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Ugly Facebook has become a monopoly
Dr F Dejahang
Dec 19 · 2 min read

Hughes makes a very strong economic argument that Facebook has become a monopoly
Dec 18, 2019 | dr fereydoun dejahang | 46 Views

I was reading Hughes report very interesting I suggest if you get a chance have a look at the report STOP TALKING ABOUT DOGS...DON'T BE INTELLECTUALLY LAZY....

Hughes makes a very strong economic argument that Facebook has become a monopoly and that this has limited competition and held back innovation FB. … Hughes says that no new social networks have been launched since 2011- I do disagree with him as I have been monitoring and carrying out surveys on more than 50 new social networks and I agree that 84 percent of spending on social media ads goes directly to Facebook.
Are we going to stop FB/TWITTER’s monopoly? We can replace it with or other smaller Social Networks available to us…but teamwork is badly needed …please if you can join maybe 1 or 2 other social networks if you get a chance. I have prepared a list…
If we work together we will reduce FB’s monopoly by 1–2% yes it small but it is a good start.
We started with 2/3 member at…
now we are 9.
I suggest:
US/Canada work together exchange knowledge and ideas
UK/EU work together OK agree UK doesn’t like to work with EU …let us find a way
Asia work together
One Idea I have is if social networks can share members and even swap members that help the growth in number…well you are expert Moderators come up with an idea.
PS Mastodon instances are working as a team
Diaspora instance are working as a team

Social Media

I am moving from PC 3 to PC 7 Student asked.
Who's Pulling Your Strings?
No body we did misuse their resources.

I am moving from PC 3 to PC 7 Student asked.
Who's Pulling Your Strings?
No body we did misuse their resources.

I am moving from PC 3 to PC 7 Student asked.
Who's Pulling Your Strings?
No body we did misuse their resources.

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