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Twitter Alternative-Twitter is going down.
Tec-Tyrant Twitter replacement-No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!
I will TOOT (tweeps) using MASTODON.

{***=< 500 W} Biden Appoints Mideast Advisor Who Resigned Over Trump Syria Withdrawal
Brett McGurk served as envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition until 2018, when he resigned over President Trump's unfulfilled plan to withdraw from Syria

The Establishment has imposed a color revolution on the American people. Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who reognized that a color revolution has occurred in America under the guise of a presidential election.

Sputnik @SputnikInt 3h

Russia state-affiliated media
UPDATE | 's cabinet backs COVID-19 economic recovery plan worth in excess of $270bln – reports

10-01-2021 (BST) 07.00AM ⌚07⌚ ➽ ➽ ➽ FULL NEWS Big Brother is Watching. They now have full control but we can change it. LEAVE FB

RESEARCH TEAM please meet up @ or Every Thursdays
For PM meet ➽ ⌛ Action 10-01-2021 (BST) 07.00AM ⌚07⌚ ➽ ➽ ➽ FULL NEWS

Fact check: The coronavirus pandemic is not a hoax. FULL NEWS

TWITTER empty-headed, bonehead,...

I called Wahabi terrorist 'KSA Mercenaries/Sewer rats' and I get this from NINCOMPOOP Twitter. Ignorant, dense, mindless foolish brainless twitter, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, dunce-like how can that be violation they are terrorist and mercenaries.

'We've temporarily limited some of your account features

f dejahang @drfereydoun
What happened?
We have determined that you have violated the Twitter Rules, so we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features. While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers — no Tweets, Retweets, or likes. Your account will be restored to full functionality in:
11 hours and 39 minutes.'

Go to Hell Ignorant, dense, mindless and foolish also surely brainless twitter, dull-witted and slow-witted, dunce-like piece of.....

Members from HIGH TEC- Tyrants FB/TWITTER are leaving and joining Alternative Social Media.

Moderators RE-Rate limited Please retry after 3:30:00 PM. This is showing on . Is it my PC hacked or is it your website having some kind of difficulty?

MY NEWS.DOTS-My New PUNCH 10-01-2021 ➽ ⌛ Action (BST) 7:19 am ⌚007⌚
‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’

FACT CHECK: The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Not A Hoax.

PM meet ➽ ⌛ (BST) 07.00AM ⌚07⌚
⌛ Fact check: The coronavirus pandemic is not a hoax.

➽ {***=< 500 W} America’s Colour Revolution
By Paul Craig Roberts reposted on the Saker by permission

⌚The Establishment has imposed a colour revolution on the American people. Ekaterina Blinova is a journalist who recognized that a colour revolution has occurred in America under the guise of a presidential election.

⌚***< 500 W {America’s Colour Revolution
By Paul Craig Roberts reposted on the Saker by permission}

⌚{***=< 500 W} Biden Appoints Mideast Advisor Who Resigned Over Trump Syria Withdrawal
Brett McGurk served as envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition until 2018, when he resigned over President Trump's unfulfilled plan to withdraw from Syria

⌛⌚{***=< 500 W} The US openly says its interests require instability in this region. The US wanted to start a civil war in in 2009, & now God has afflicted them with the same predicament in 2021. The recent chaos reached a point where Congress members had to escape through secret tunnels.
Imam Khamenei

➽ {***=< 500 W}
While Railing Against Trump Coup, Biden Appoints Chief Ukraine Coup-Plotter Victoria Nuland
Nuland was the driving force behind the 2014 insurrection that overthrew the Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine and is now set to serve as Biden’s Under Secretary for Political Affairs. by Alan Macleod

➽ ⌛⌚Big Tech giants want to prove they are ‘American gods’. Anyone watching the watchers? Big Tech has just taken a gigantic step toward its objective of gaining total control over what can and what cannot be said on the internet. Apple and Google have commanded Parler, a social network used by conservatives, to police its users. In effect, what their warning issued to Parler means, ‘do as you are told or face digital annihilation!’. Google suspended Parler from its Play Store, declaring that it will shut the network until it rigorously polices its app. Apple was reported to have followed suit giving Parler 24 hours to fall in line; otherwise it would be removed from Apple’s App Store.

PS-Re-PARLER Racist Thug anytime I posted something I received insult from GAB, PARLER, VOAT and PHUKS.CO by calling me ' goat rapist, 'F' OFF, Iranian goat..., your leader..., F*g CT Why you are protecting them. Insulting someone's wife is not FREEDOM OF SPEECH...

➽ ⌛***< 500 W 1/2 Big Tech giants want to prove they are ‘American gods’. Anyone watching the watchers? Big Tech has just taken a gigantic step toward its objective of gaining total control over what can and what cannot be said on the internet.

➽ < 500 W 2/2 PS-Re-PARLER Racist Thug anytime I posted something I received insult from GAB, PARLER, VOAT and PHUKS.CO by calling me ' goat rapist, 'F' OFF, Iranian goat..., your leader..., Fg C**T Why you are protecting them. Insulting someone's wife is not FREEDOM OF SPEECH...

➽ ⌛The purge of social media has begun with High Tec- Tyrants Police Guard Dogs Twitter, FB, and soon Parler, however, Parler is a den for Fascist, Racist thugs. Calling me Goat Rapist dirty thugs. Tech giants have decided that they can sensor and silence who ever they wish to. Well 10-15 years ago both FB, and Twitter suspended me under KSA-USA-UK Instruction. Make contacts off social media as I have been saying it for 15 years. Build up networks. Interact and find alternative ways to communicate. or Every Thursdays

➽ ⌚For PM meet ➽ ⌛ Action 10-01-2021 (BST) 07.00AM ⌚07⌚ ➽ ➽ ➽ FULL NEWS Alternative Social Media V FB,TWITTER LOOK FOR THE LIST

***< 500 W
The American Empire has fallen, though Washington may not know it yet

***< 500 W
“This Will Be Remembered as a Turning Point”: Snowden Warns Against Trump Social Media Ban
While many breathed a collective sigh of relief when Trump’s social media bans were announced, Edward Snowden and other internet freedom advocates warned that the move sets a dangerous precedent. by Alan Macleod

***< 500 W
Only Iran stood by Iraq in difficult times of anti-Daesh fight: Politician An Iraqi politician has appreciated the role played by top anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in the fight against the Daesh terrorist group, saying only Iran supported the Iraqi nation in its difficult times.

***< 500 W
China calls on U.S. media to reflect on disparate coverage of Hong Kong, U.S. riots

➽ ⌛⌚Washington 's colonial operations in NE Syria, 2021

➽ "All these groups and media with a marked anti-Chavista orientation, did not hesitate to show their support for the plan of “interim presidency” headed by Juan Guaidó, which had the support of the Government of the United Kingdom, that decided to recognize the self-proclaimed and deliver the Venezuelan gold deposited in the Bank of Englan''

***< 500 W Trump deleted tweets that led to his Twitter lockout

{***=< 500 W} City of Xi’an And Why The New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies The West?

➽⌚B’Tselem: 2020 in the Occupied Territories: Heinous Killings, Settler Violence and a Home Demolitions Spike Report By The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories B’Tselem: Over the course of 2020, Israeli security forces killed 27 Palestinians, seven of them minors: one in the Gaza Strip, 23 in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and three inside Israel.
In the West Bank, in at least 11 of the 16 incidents B’Tselem investigated, the Palestinians killed posed no threat to the lives of the forces or any other person at the time they were shot, if at all, and the forces fired at them with no justification. Several examples:

{***=< 500 W} {B’Tselem: 2020 in the Occupied Territories: Heinous Killings, Settler Violence and a Home Demolitions Spike Report By The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories }

Both Tortuous and Torturous 302
January 6, 2021 in Uncategorized by craig
Magistrate Vanessa Bararitser walked into Westminster Magistrates Court No.1 at 10.12am this morning with the sunniest smile and most carefree disposition I have ever seen her adopt. Her shoulders appeared visibly lifted. She positively beamed at Clair Dobbin, counsel for the US government, as she invited her to put the case for the prosecution as to why Julian Assange should not be released on bail.

***< 500 W Both Tortuous and Torturous {}

Time to get out in mass. I'm on VK but keep coming back for my FB friends. If we all leave, one pillar of surveillance against us will be eradicated.

{***=< 500 W}
Giving Facebook less data is a good idea. Even better: Just use it less
You can take some steps to limit how much Facebook knows about you. But as long as you use the service, it can monetize your interests and activity.

{***=< 500 W}
After Being Kicked Off Social Media, Trump Forced To Go Door To Door And Shout 'RIGGED ELECTION!'U.S.—After being permanently banned from social media, President Trump has been forced to knock on doors across the country, one door at a time. If anyone opens the door, he will shout one of his classic lines such as "RIGGED ELECTION!" or "Hillary is a loser! SAD!" at them before moving on to the next house.

{***=< 500 W}
Biden Says First Act As President Will Be To Impeach Trump WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a recent statement, President-elect Joe Biden has promised to move quickly the moment his term as President begins. He announced that immediately after his inauguration, the first order of business will be to impeach and remove Donald Trump from office.

{***=< 500 W}
Boot Coming Down Hard and Fast on Social Media
January 9, 2021 The censorship of a political faction at the hands of a few liberal Silicon Valley billionaires will do the exact opposite of eliminating right-wing paranoia and conspiracy theories, and everyone knows it, writes Caity Johnstone.

{***=< 500 W}
Forever Wars: Will They Ever End?
January 8, 2021 The wars since Sept. 11 are part of Joe Biden’s legacy, writes Nick Turse. But the president-elect enters the White House with an opportunity to make good on his pledge to end them.

Capitol Incident a Dress Rehearsal
January 8, 2021

⌛⌚The storming of the Capitol may just be a harbinger of things to come.
US & UK May Not Will Assange’s Death, But Everything They Are Doing Makes It More Likely
January 8, 2021

⌚If Washington presses an appeal, the WikiLeaks founder faces many more months in Covid-infested prison conditions he may not survive, writes Jonathan Cook.
Both Facebook and Twitter announced they would prevent the president from using their services in the light of his incitement of the storming of the Capitol Building on Wednesday. Twitter has since reversed its decision. However, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was adamant that Trump would not be allowed to use his platform. “The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power,” he announced, adding that his company,
Believe[s] the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.”

{***=< 500 W}
A Manufactured Crisis: How Saudi Arabia Uses Oil to Bring Yemen to its Knees
By manufacturing an oil crisis in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is able to foment political chaos in the country and stir up popular discontent against domestic oil companies, many of which are run by the Houthi-led resistance by Ahmed Abdulkareem

➽US Intel on Russia, But Not Trump Mob?
By Finian Cunningham
January 08, 2021 "Information Clearing House" - Many embarrassing questions are being asked about how thousands of Trump supporters – some of them reportedly armed – were able to over-run the seat of American government this week.
People within the United States and around the world have been shocked by the chaotic scenes of lawmakers forced to run for cover as the Capitol building was taken over by fascist-style mobs braying “USA, USA, USA”.
Politicians have condemned the violence as “domestic terrorism” and “an assault on democracy”.
A pressing question is why the iconic Capitol – the legislative centre of American government – was so lightly protected? Throngs of angry protesters egged on by Republican President Donald Trump were able to march down Pennsylvania Avenue and proceed to push aside police officers and security barriers before storming into the congressional chambers.
Among the protesters were white supremacist groups like Proud Boys and other Neo-fascist networks. For weeks, these same groups have been openly threatening to rally at the Capitol on January 6, the day that a joint session of lawmakers from the House and Senate were due to confirm the presidential election of Democrat rival Joe Biden.
Given the abundant signals of a planned assault on the heart of Washington, why was the Capitol so inadequately defended with barely a handful cops many of whom seemed to be unarmed?
No Advertising - No Government Grants - No Algorithm - This Is Independent Media
You can't buy your way onto these pages
The contrast has been made to when Black Lives Matter protesters gathered in Washington back in June to denounce police brutality. They were confronted with a phalanx of heavily armed anti-riot squads deployed around government buildings.
How come security measures were not ramped up this week, especially given the open signalling from white supremacist groups of their plans to target the Capitol? Is it due to racist double-standard? That no doubt is part of it.
Ironically, the day before the sacking – albeit temporary – of the US government by the Trump mobs a joint statement was issued by intelligence agencies in which it was claimed that they believed Russia was behind a purported massive cyber-attack on widespread institutions, ranging from the Pentagon to energy companies. The alleged cyber intrusions were first reported last month and given prominent media coverage in a concerted way that suggests an intel psychological operation.
This week, however, the US intel agencies, including the FBI and NSA, were explicitly blaming Russia.
As usual, as with all US intel claims regarding alleged Russian malign activity, there was no evidence provided to substantiate the latest accusations of a cyber attack. All we are presented with is assertion and media amplification.
The allegations of Russian cyber assault are being used to whip up a more hostile policy by the incoming Biden administration. Biden has already vowed to take “retaliation” against Moscow. One can expect US-Russia tensions to become even more fraught after he takes office following his January 20 inauguration. All this renewed antagonism is based on the intel claims of Russian cyber hacking.
How are we supposed to take such claims credibly when US intel agencies apparently couldn’t detect threats from the Proud Boys and QAnon cultists who were planning an insurrection in the Capitol?
Some may argue that the Deep State knew all about the impending insurrection, but let it happen as a way to fatally undermine Trump and his rabble-rousing.
Others among his supporters are claiming that the Capitol disturbances were infiltrated by “antifa” leftists who provoked the mayhem in a kind of false-flag stunt to discredit Trump and his loyal “patriotic” followers. This view was expressed by Republicans like Sarah Palin and House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy.
Seriously, Americans are really overdosing on conspiracy thinking. They have become completely incapable of rational analysis and discussion.
So, how to explain the contradiction that US intel agencies somehow missed the threat of insurrection posted all over the internet while these agencies purport to tell us that they uncovered a sophisticated Russian plot to hack into American society?
The straightforward explanation is that the US intel agencies don’t have any case against Russia for hacking. They are simply falsifying information and lying to stoke geopolitical tensions with Russia in order to facilitate the profit needs of the all-dominant military-industrial complex.
Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent. -
{***=< 500 W}
US Intel on Russia, But Not Trump Mob?
By Finian Cunningham January 08, 2021 "Information Clearing House" - Many embarrassing questions are being asked about how thousands of Trump supporters – some of them reportedly armed – were able to over-run the seat of American government this week.Among the protesters were white supremacist groups like Proud Boys and other Neo-fascist networks. For weeks, these same groups have been openly threatening to rally at the Capitol on January 6, the day that a joint session of lawmakers from the House and Senate were due to confirm the presidential election of Democrat rival Joe Biden.
Anyone remember the West's outrage when in 2019 Iran shut down internet to stop violence?
H/T Soraya Ulrich Fellow Americans: Guard yourselves against the destructive cults that are given refuge in America. They destroyed Iran and now they are here to destroy America. The monarchists (pictured here), the MEK cult, and the rest of them.
We Are at War By Peter Koenig
Global Research, January 09, 2021
Theme: Crimes against Humanity, Global Economy, Police State & Civil Rights, US NATO War Agenda
We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the West against the East, against Russia and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus.
No. We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them, reduce them to what a minute elite believes is an “adequate number” to inhabit Mother Earth – and to digitize and robotize the rest of the survivors, as a sort of serfs. It’s a combination of George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”.
Welcome to the age of the transhumans. If we allow it.

{***=< 500 W}
We Are at War

{***=< 500 W}
The Capitol Hill Fiasco 2021 By David W. Mathisen Global Research, January 09, 2021
Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation, Police State & Civil Rights
Global Research Editor’s Note
We bring to the attention of our readers this carefully documented analysis of the so-called “Storming of the Capitol” by David W. Mathisen.
With regard to the coverage of the Wednesday Capitol Event, Global Research will be publishing opposing and contradictory points of view by several of our authors.

⌛⌚Stop Trivializing The Term 'Coup': Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix By Caitlin Johnstone
January 08, 2021 "Information Clearing House" - - Stop trivializing the term "coup". It's a real thing the US government really inflicts on other countries in a way that actually does topple governments and cause immense destruction. You cannot take over the US government with a small squadron of wingnuts. That's not a thing.

➽ ⌚US Intel on Russia, But Not Trump Mob?
By Finian Cunningham January 08, 2021 "Information Clearing House" - Many embarrassing questions are being asked about how thousands of Trump supporters – some of them reportedly armed – were able to over-run the seat of American government this week.
People within the United States and around the world have been shocked by the chaotic scenes of lawmakers forced to run for cover as the Capitol building was taken over by fascist-style mobs braying “USA, USA, USA”.

⌚In case you missed it
The dumbing down of America
By Carl Sagan' Sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. - Continue

➽⌚The US and UK May Not Will Assange’s Death, but Everything They are Doing Makes it More Likely
By Jonathan Cook His death looks increasingly like an outcome Britain and the US desire. - Continue Wednesday's Other Story
By Matt Taibbi For all the talk about the madness of Donald Trump — this was something more dangerous, i.e. institutional insanity. - Continue

⌚This is a country we are supposed to be proud of?
Trump Regime Set to Execute Federal Inmates: More Than Any President in Almost 100 Years.
Must Watch: The Grayzone - Pushback with Aaron Maté "It's probably the worst thing I have ever seen in my life" it took this man 26 to 28 minutes to die. - Continue

➽ ⌛⌚Encrypted Social Media

➽ ⌛⌚ALL IN 1

Master Folder/Sub Folders
NEWS-FILES-NEWS SOURCE-FB V Other alternative Social Media

➽➜ALL ⇢➤

Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc.
PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT .. 1-20 Science/Engineering
From Section 20 Onwards ➤Theology
➽ ⌛Master Folder/Sub Folders .
➽ ⌛Encrypted Social Media

➤➽ ⌛⌚ Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media

(22:19-22). (37:62-68). (44:43-46).(2:167). (5:36-37).

{UK/EU Cases 15857298 Death 376, 891 ADD EXCESS DEATH 15% to 100% }
[15% of 376, 891 +379, 891] minimum excess
[100% of 376, 891 +379, 891] maximum excess

Overall 9/11 death toll to 2,996.

2013 BBC Iraq study estimates war-related deaths at 461,000
Others estimating 1.2-1.4 Millions (Direct/indirect)


Will U.S. Covid-19: Virus Kill 4,000 + Americans each day for 19 days?

[Note-Responding to the latest Office for National Statistics data on deaths in England and Wales in the week ending 4 December, Veena Raleigh, Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund said:

‘With more than 71,000 excess deaths in England and Wales since the Covid-19 pandemic began, the death statistics for this year are truly sobering. If current trends continue, the total excess death toll for 2020 could exceed 80,000, very likely leading to a significant fall in life expectancy in 2020.

‘Although Covid-19 related deaths fell somewhat in the week ending 4 December, excess deaths remain well above the five-year average and there is no room for complacency. With infections rising sharply in some parts of the country, and the relaxation of restrictions over Christmas, January could see a further surge in hospital admissions and deaths.

‘While many European countries are also seeing a spike in infections, the UK has had a higher rate of excess deaths than many. The lessons of the past must be learned to keep the toll of the pandemic on families, the NHS and the economy to a minimum until the vaccine has been rolled out to enough people to protect the population.’]

Cases 15857298 Death 376891
ADD EXCESS DEATH 15% to 100%

More Americans Have Died of Coronavirus on 07-01-2021 Than Were Killed in the 9/11 Attacks. This pattern will go on for several days.
US C-19 on the 7th Day of 2021

4, 112 Deaths 365K +4,112(07-01-2021) for excess death not recorded add another 10%-15%-some cases 100%

16-12-2020 3, 611
23-12-2020 3, 411
31-12-2020 3, 462
05-01-2021 3, 689

emergency summit prior to Iraq War

(From left) Portuguese Prime Minister José Manuel Durão Barroso, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. Pres. George W. Bush, and Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar holding an emergency summit meeting on March 16, 2003, in Portugal's Azores, in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq and the beginning of the Iraq War.
SSGT Michelle Michaud, USAF/U.S. Department Of Défense

1.2M or more?
365K + 15/100 X 365k =365K+ 55K= 420k on 07-01-2021

The US could see 115,000 more Covid deaths in January, a leading model has predicted.


Record number of people died from Covid the last two days in America as rioters stormed U.S. Capitol

20:124 And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind."

20:125 He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing?"

20:126 [ Allah ] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten."

United Kingdom 2.96M +68,053 0 +0 79,833 Note: UK is not including DAILY EXCESS DEATH. 'Excess deaths remain well above the five-year average and there is no room for complacency': The King's Fund response to ONS deaths data

Responding to the latest Office for National Statistics data on deaths in England and Wales in the week ending 4 December, Veena Raleigh, Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund said:

‘With more than 71,000 excess deaths in England and Wales since the Covid-19 pandemic began, the death statistics for this year are truly sobering. If current trends continue, the total excess death toll for 2020 could exceed 80,000, very likely leading to a significant fall in life expectancy in 2020.

‘Although Covid-19 related deaths fell somewhat in the week ending 4 December, excess deaths remain well above the five-year average and there is no room for complacency. With infections rising sharply in some parts of the country, and the relaxation of restrictions over Christmas, January could see a further surge in hospital admissions and deaths.

‘While many European countries are also seeing a spike in infections, the UK has had a higher rate of excess deaths than many. The lessons of the past must be learned to keep the toll of the pandemic on families, the NHS and the economy to a minimum until the vaccine has been rolled out to enough people to protect the population.’

Location Cases Recovered Deaths
United States
United States
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
***France 2655728 65037 272.15 6.70 2020-52 and 2020-53
***Italy 2155446 75332 335.09 10.82 2020-52 and 2020-53
***Spain 1958844 51078 297.41 3.87 2020-52 and 2020-53
***Germany 1775513 34574 319.04 10.00 2020-52 and 2020-53
*Poland 1322947 29161 316.67 9.91 2020-52 and 2020-53
**Netherlands 820193 11598 759.70 6.49 2020-52 and 2020-53
*Czechia 746714 12070 1119.19 15.58 2020-52 and 2020-53

Belgium 650794 19750 174.14 7.77 2020-52 and 2020-53
Romania 640429 15979 253.08 8.16 2020-52 and 2020-53
Sweden 469748 8985 785.12 3.32 2020-52 and 2020-53
Portugal 427254 7118 517.03 9.58 2020-52 and 2020-53
Austria 364574 6253 320.04 11.71 2020-52 and 2020-53
Hungary 328851 9977 242.73 17.34 2020-52 and 2020-53
Croatia 212958 4072 422.69 19.99 2020-52 and 2020-53
Bulgaria 203051 7678 169.37 15.27 2020-52 and 2020-53
Slovakia 188099 2521 674.50 17.72 2020-52 and 2020-53
Denmark 168711 1374 590.36 5.84 2020-52 and 2020-53
Lithuania 147997 1361 1199.28 11.52 2020-52 and 2020-53
Greece 140099 4957 84.17 7.32 2020-52 and 2020-53
Slovenia 125858 2891 959.15 25.13 2020-52 and 2020-53
Ireland 101887 2259 455.63 2.06 2020-52 and 2020-53
Norway 50715 449 149.02 0.84 2020-52 and 2020-53
Luxembourg 46919 506 464.58 10.75 2020-52 and 2020-53
Latvia 42497 680 601.94 12.55 2020-52 and 2020-53
Finland 36919 565 68.09 1.38 2020-52 and 2020-53

Due to flooding in our main office, RESEARCH TEAM please meet up @ or Every Thursdays For PM meet ➽ 📷
Action 14-12-2020 (BST) 07.00AM

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