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John Young boosted
John Young boosted

🕗 School run
🕘 Emails
🕙 Meeting
🕚 Meeting
🕛 Gym
🕐 Meeting
🕑 Meeting
🕒 Meeting
🕓 Meeting
🕔 Cook dinner
🕕 Kids club
🕗 Kids bedtime
🕘 WINE — yes, wine. On a Tuesday. Don’t judge me.

John Young boosted

In case you were wondering whether the vice chancellors of UK universities respect their staff, or if they‘ve negotiated in good faith, or if there are going to be good relations after the current dispute, here’s the head of the employers‘ organisation complaining that staff aren‘t suffering enough: ‘UoA Principal George Boyne told senior colleagues he wanted
Aberdeen UCU members to feel financial “pain along the way.“‘ Top work by student journalists. #ucu #ucurising

John Young boosted

One of the things I found very frustrating about professional physics magazines 15-20 years ago (all my degrees are in physics) was that they were so po-faced about “proper” physics (only quantum mechanics and cosmology counted) and really looked down on anything messy in the real world. I made a physics career out of studying the mess. And then look at this, seaweed on the cover of Physics Today, because they’ve finally discovered how interesting messy things are. #ocean #science #physics

John Young boosted

First of two planes transiting solar disk during June 8th imaging session. Invididual frames 1 ms Ha < 0.7 Å in Lunt 40 at f/10. #astrodon

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John Young boosted

What's Happening?
Twitter's hosting contract with Google Cloud expired on June 30th.
Word is that Elon has been trying to move everything off so he doesn't have to pay the reported $1 BILLION bill.
Either he's done nothing, or that migration hasn't been completed yet.
Google Cloud, out of contract, has potentially rate-limited Twitter's data.
With tremendous foresight, Elon blocked access to non-accounts YESTERDAY in an attempt to mitigate the damage or negotiate lesser usage fees.
Instead, this caused the embedded tweets on every website to fail to load and instead retry again, again, and again, resulting in a self-inflicted denial of service event everywhere.
Elon is now imposing "temporary" view limits in an attempt to keep the site up at all until the migration is complete, he re-engineers the embedded reloads, or he pays his Google Cloud bill.
Now he's decided to use the situation to try to sell subscriptions.
Elon is neither a business nor a technology genius.

John Young boosted

Quote of the day (from @pluralistic )

"We’re in the polycrisis, a widening gyre of climate emergency, inequality, infrastructure neglect, rising authoritarianism and zoonotic plagues.
But that’s not the bad part."

So what is the bad part?


John Young boosted
John Young boosted

Does #lightning occur only on Earth?

Spacecraft in our Solar System have detected lightning on other planets, including Mars, #Jupiter and Saturn, and lightning is likely on Venus, Uranus, and Neptune.

In the featured #Juno photograph, an optical flash was captured in a large cloud vortex near Jupiter's north pole.

#planets #astrophotography

John Young boosted

The rogue 2FA app that steals scanned secrets is now ranked 18 on the German App Store for the productivity category. No wonder! The app disguises as a Microsoft app. It is the top hit when you search for "Microsoft Authenticator" and the developer has updated the screenshots in the ad card to highlight the word "Microsoft". Surprisingly, the product page of the app shows different screenshots with the word "Microsoft" removed.
The app now has 1.2K reviews, as opposed to 18 when we first addressed the app.

#privacy #security #2FactorAuthentication #iOS #infosec

John Young boosted
John Young boosted

Google just emailed me to let me know that "Album Archive" is going away and my data will be deleted in a month.

Album Archive is apparently the dumping ground for images that were in _other_ products Google has already killed, such as Google+ and Hangouts.

They're killing the place where images from killed products went. It's just beyond parody, incredible.

John Young boosted
John Young boosted

This is probably the best thing I ever posted on Twitter. The memory is pretty dear to me; I'm sharing it here so it still exists somewhere if that place collapses.

John Young boosted

The construction of ESO's Extremely Large #Telescope keeps progressing! We've started a new series of video updates, and in this first episode we show you how the gigantic steel frame of the dome is taking shape.

#astrodon #astronomy #space #universe #scicomm

John Young boosted

While you have to give credit to The Guardian for running Simon Evans' rebuttal to Rowan Atkinson's wibble about electric vehicles last week, it does beg the question of why they ran his opinion piece without proper fact-checking it in the first place.

Because you can be sure that Atkinson's genial celebrity status will ensure his views remain far more widely read & disseminated than the rebuttal.


John Young boosted

Liberated from Facebook. Credit to originator (unknown).

Happy medieval joke day. (Isn't it? It is now?

#Medieval #Tapestry #Joke #Saxon

John Young boosted

👀 Incredible scenes coming out of New York City.

This is the view from George Washington Bridge as smoke from wildfires in Canada blankets the Northeast US.

Air quality in NYC is the worst in the world right now. The Air Quality Index is unimaginably high at over 400 in some areas, meaning there is a high risk of adverse health effects.

#NYCsmoke #smoke #wildfires #NYC #BladeRunner #NYwx

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