Tech industry, please hire more writers. I can happily read docs for 3h and get much more out of them than watching a video for 3h. And while I'm watching the video, I'm making copious notes so that I don't have to watch the video *again* later to refresh my memory. If it was written down in the first place with good indexing I wouldn't have to do that. Video is such a crap way to document things.
This is impressive: the double-slit experiment, with the slits separated in time rather than space
A striking visualisation of #climatechange: the date of Kyoto cherry blossoms' reaching full bloom, plotted over the past 1000 years.
Thanks to the cultural significance of cherry blossoms in Japan, we have data on the specific day of the year when a very particular species of cherry blossom (P. jamasakura) reached "full-flowering" (満開) in a specific area on the outskirts of Kyoto (Arashiyama), all the way back to 800 AD.
The trend of the past 50 years is hard to miss…
For all its bluster, Govt has laboured and brought forth a mouse 🐭. Instead of unblocking onshore wind, mandatory rooftop solar & proper home insulation, Ministers are gambling on technologies that are slow at best, unproven at worst. This won't address the #climateemergency
This is just the wildest plot to stare at
It's like biologists have finally found astronomer's secret power of unrestrained log-log plots
It's like Prometheus stealing fire from Mount Olympus
RT @astrobiology
Life Forms On Our Planet Prefer Small And Very Large Sizes #Astrobiology #gravitationalbiology
The Wombles had the circular economy all figured out back in 1968. We should all aspire to be like the Wombles.
"Making good use of the things that we find, things that the everyday folk leave behind..."
And here's one of the delightful original episodes, if you've never seen them:
OOH. Cory Doctorow is giving a talk at UCL in June and you can register online for free. "We're paying way too much attention to making Big Tech better, and not nearly enough attention to making it *smaller*."
If you have ANY interest in what this explosion of new software/tech means for real people in the future, I'm pretty certain this will be amazing. It sounds as though interoperability is going to feature strongly. #CoryDoctorow #Talks
A version of an earlier joke that I posted, but this time with me in it. :-)
Just above Batn Al Ghul where the northern plain meets the southern desert in Jordan.
Image from a Great Arab Revolt Project site, which ran for 10 years, investigating the evidence and activities of T. E. Lawrence in the (now) Jordanian desert during WW1.
I usually follow back, & really appreciate boosts.
#Archaeology #Photography #Follow #LawrenceOfArabia #WW1 #Travel #View #Landscape #ConflictArchaeology
Words, unusually, fail me in describing this moment (photographers unknown).
Something in my eye, every time I look at it.
This past February, I started building a macOS app to help me work with #Emacs #OrgMode. It lets you share links and content from another app (typically Safari) via the macOS Share menu and format it in Org markup. It can also support #Markdown links so you can work with other editors too. The app is called Captee and here's some snapshots of it at work. Interested? Boost or star.
i'm thrown by the non-integer mapping of people to monitors
This is how we launch rockets in the 21st century. #Relativity
Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead developer for the Apollo program, standing next to all the code she wrote by hand that took humanity to the moon in 1969.
Hello world! Elon Musk picking a twitter fight with Icelandic philanthropist and man of the year 2022 Haraldur Thorleifsson ended up being the final push that we needed, so now we are here on Mastodon. We don't know how any of this works, but follow us for posts on vision science, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, and stupid memes.
Today I spent the morning helping the @CMSexperiment technical coordination team do a deep clean of the experimental cavern before we close it all up to be ready for beam and collisions!
Read on if you want to see what that entails 😄 (pun intended, you'll see. Also, sorry😅😅)
I've opted in to #tootfinder #tfr, and it's indexing my posts, but when I search for my name, neither my profile nor posts are found.
But I like the direction of where this is going! Ethical opt-in search!
I hope a related consent question will be added to the account setup process so that more people are given the option of an informed choice.
I’m a professional astrophysicist and research software engineer. I like cricket, reading and cooking.