Huh! Why you can smell rain | Earth | EarthSky
Best explanation I've seen on wood movement: "What is Wood Movement in Woodworking - Expansion and Contraction."
“We’ve had a variety of unruly protests by armed, far-right militia groups that the police react to in a very calm manner,” he said. “And yet when you see a group of environmentalists or people who might look similar to the way environmentalists at a protest look, you see a hyper-aggressive police response, even though the level of violence coming from those groups is significantly lower
-- FBI Chased Imagined Eco-Activist Enemies, Documents Reveal
Fun: TIL about both an Erdos conjecture, as well as a not-Erdos quote:
Oh, nice list: 11 Black Sci-Fi Authors To Read Right Now
An Open Letter to J.K. Rowling |
Useful post, as I hadn't heard any of this about Rowling before.
It's the perfect day to start reading Octavia Butler's Kindred. | Literary Hub
Totally agree. Great book.
Really clever: Webcam mod that enables eye-contact conversation
Colorful Maps of a World in Coronavirus Lockdown - CityLab
New math theory suggests time travel is impossible
This was a really fun (and as usual depressing) read.
CNN: The 40 wildest lines from Donald Trump's impromptu Friday press conference.
"The world urban system—from its richest to poorest cities—is not a set of playgrounds or amenity parks but instead a vast system of interlinked workshops."
As a city lover, this was a great read.
Desperately Seeking Cities | Online Only | n+1
Ned Flanders Metal Band Okilly Dokilly Appears on ‘The Simpsons’ – Rolling Stone
This is really sad
The New York Times: Menial Tasks, Slurs and Swastikas: Many Black Workers at Tesla Say They Faced Racism.
really cool digitized online viewer of Leonardo da Vinci sketches
found via this 2013 article:
YouTube resonates with my reasons for owning a bike and not a car: "it's more fun, cheaper, greener, less stressful"